Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Marketplace of Ideas

“If you take away the biblical teaching of the sanctity of human life and of man created in the image of God, there is no final basis for placing value on human life.  And this applies to whether we are talking about the unborn or those who are already born.  If human life can be taken before birth, there is no logical reason why it cannot be taken after birth…..Yet much of the evangelical world carries on business as usual….But if we are not willing to take a stand even for human life, is there anything for which we will stand?”
Dr. Francis Schaeffer, The great Evangelical Disaster, pp. 108-109

This was written nearly THIRTY years ago.  The evangelical church has not progressed much since then.  We have been fortunate that medical technology has increased and been able to show that the lives of children born before the normal gestational period can be kept alive and eventually develop normally.  Through this fact, more people are willing to accept that life can begin before birth.  But what have we done in the marketplace of ideas?  

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