Sometimes I get into a masochistic mood and I …..
watch MSNBC evening talk shows. Sick isn’t it??
Well, anyway, it is a shame to watch Keith Olbermann and what he does to himself. I feel sorry for him because he really is quite an articulate speaker. He has a larger than average vocabulary. He is professional. (He formerly was an announcer on ESPN.)
Yet, the problem is not so much that he is a flaming, bleeding heart liberal, but that his diatribes are more about himself. He wants you to know he has a superior intellect – more than any conservative. I think he does all of this out of a deep-seated frustration. Because his show is so lowly rated. He is scheduled against Bill O’Reilly and Nancy Grace. Looking at the numbers below show how few people really care to listen to him nationally.
THURS., MAY 29, 2009
FOXNEWS BECK 2,009,000
FOXNEWS SHEP 1,787,000
MSNBC MADDOW 1,029,000
CNN COOPER 852,000
K.O. does have the hope that once Obama does away with Fox Network, he will be able dominate the 8 pm network ratings.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The evolution of man - again and again and again...
The newly refurbished Hubble Telescope will now be able to peer deeper iinto the depths of the universe. As described, it will be able to see millions of years back into time. The idea is that based on the speed of light and the distance that light must travel to our vision on earth means that that light must have left its source millions of years ago. Based on that calculation, our universe must be even older than that.
Recently, a discovery was made that took 2 years to reveal to the gener
al public. A new fossil has surfaced that most likely again "proves" that man came from lower animal species. I'm sorry - well, really I'm not - but I did not evolve from some multi-celled creature that climbed out of the primordial soup. I believe that God put fossils into His creation just to confound the "brilliant" scientists. I believe that in God's sense of humor He did this just prove the ignorance of man (see Romans 1:18-23).

By connecting the creation of mankind to the evoutionary process from other life forms disconnects man from the Creator. By disconnecting man from his Creator allows man to elevate himself to god.
As man then becomes god, he can begin to determine life and death choices originally left to the Creator. The literal life and death choices. Who lives, who dies, and when. First, death before birth, then assisted end of life, then death at the moment of birth. Soon, health care decisions will be made based on the quality of life. Who has the most value to contribute to society as a whole.
I did not evolve from animals (although my Mom may say that I acted like one, at times) and I will not have an imperfect "god" determining my value to society.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
My son, the serviceman
Along the theme of respect for the military.... My son is a member of the US Air Force. Don't ask me what he does, I've never understood, but I have seen some of the stuff he works with and that is good for me! Anyway, he is another member of the ALL-VOLUNTEER military. Here he is being sworn in by the Number 1 pilot from the Air Force Thunderbirds (far right enlistee). He has served 12 years. I am proud of him.
In Memorium

This weekend is the Memorial Day. I cannot begin to express my great respect that I have for former and present members of the military and the duty they perform.
Since the age of the Vietnam era, the liberals in the United States have taken an exceptionally high level of animosity, anger, hatred for the military. They complain about the killing they perform, when required. They want to use the military as a social services agency.
Yet, today's members of the military are far more selfless when you consider they are ALL volunteers. While I am not a fan of the premise of the movie "A Few Good Men," the statement made by Colonel Jessup:
Col. Jessep: Son, we live in a world that has walls and those walls need to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lieutenant Weinberg? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago and curse the Marines; you have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know: that Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives and that my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use then as the backbone of a life trying to defend something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said "thank you," and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest that you pick up a weapon and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to.
Soldiers are trained to kill. Yes, kill. I want them on that wall. They VOLUNTEER to be on that wall. And because of all of that, they deserve our greatest respect. The ultimate respect is paid at Arlington National Cemetery. If you ever have the chance to visit the Tomb of the Unknowns - take it! It is an awesome presentation of respect.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Photos of Americans torturing
It is very odd that President Obama has reversed a previous decision to publish photos regarding supposed torture of detainees by Americans. During the presidential campaign last year he was all for it. Now he opposes it. Why??
The public rationalization for this turnaround is rationalized that American soldiers may be put closer to harm apparently caused by Muslim indignance. True - some Muslims may be upset and motivated to cause Americans harm based on these photos. But I don't think that the President is really that concerned about military personnel safety.
But the President does think that it is appropriate to show the remains of dead soldiers as they are returned to the United States. No need to worry about shaming them is the apparent mindset.
I believe he is more concerned about his appearance next month in Cairo, Egypt. It is anticipated to be a major speech to Muslims. How can he maintain his high international approval if photos are published of Americans torturing Muslims?? This is a decision of self-concern instead of military protection.
The public rationalization for this turnaround is rationalized that American soldiers may be put closer to harm apparently caused by Muslim indignance. True - some Muslims may be upset and motivated to cause Americans harm based on these photos. But I don't think that the President is really that concerned about military personnel safety.
But the President does think that it is appropriate to show the remains of dead soldiers as they are returned to the United States. No need to worry about shaming them is the apparent mindset.
I believe he is more concerned about his appearance next month in Cairo, Egypt. It is anticipated to be a major speech to Muslims. How can he maintain his high international approval if photos are published of Americans torturing Muslims?? This is a decision of self-concern instead of military protection.
Friday, May 8, 2009
My weight loss program
I have to admit that I am a fan of the movie "Blazing Saddles." It first came out when I finished high school. (Showing my age.) When it comes on TV I try to watch it when I can. My wife prefers that I don't.
Well, now, I have scientific evidence that I need to watch the movie for the sake of my health. RealAge, a website that advises on health issues, has said that watching "Blazing Saddles" could help me lose weight. You can see the information here. Now I can watch the movie in confidence that I am doing this for my overall health.
For those of you that are politically-correct, don't watch this. If you need an opportunity to lose a few ounces, watch this:
Well, now, I have scientific evidence that I need to watch the movie for the sake of my health. RealAge, a website that advises on health issues, has said that watching "Blazing Saddles" could help me lose weight. You can see the information here. Now I can watch the movie in confidence that I am doing this for my overall health.
For those of you that are politically-correct, don't watch this. If you need an opportunity to lose a few ounces, watch this:
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
My ministry is...
A couple of weeks ago my wife attended a seminar entitled "Live Life Love Work." From a Christian perspective, the idea was that we should consider our job more as a ministry. As much as I don't really like my own job right now, the concept is correct.
We really should perceive our jobs more than just a job, but also an opportunity to minister to somebody else. God required from the beginning that mankind was required to work. Unfortunately, today we perceive that ministry work has a boundary line. The idea exists that full time ordained ministers perform "ministry" work and the rest of us do "work." Well, that is so wrong!
While I agree the premise of the above mentioned seminar, I also believe that as Christians God has enabled us through skills and desires to perform duties throughout the total workforce.
My belief is that young Christians should be encouraged to view career choices made with the driving motivation to infiltrate career fields to put a Christian emphasis on it. For example, a young person pursuing a career in news reporting (print or video) should consider how to impact journalism with high integrity. Eventually, these young people will assume higher positions of responsibility. Career fields - such as education, nursing, accounting, or even the military - should eventually be led by Christians.
Not only would career fields have a higher level of integrity of professionalism, but also a much-needed idea of the employer/supervisor as treating the employee fairly and respectfully.
So much more can be done to influence today's culture through the workplace. (How many christians have done just the opposite?) We really need to encourage young people that work is honorable and a ministry to God and man. No longer should ministry be restricted only to the church.
We really should perceive our jobs more than just a job, but also an opportunity to minister to somebody else. God required from the beginning that mankind was required to work. Unfortunately, today we perceive that ministry work has a boundary line. The idea exists that full time ordained ministers perform "ministry" work and the rest of us do "work." Well, that is so wrong!
While I agree the premise of the above mentioned seminar, I also believe that as Christians God has enabled us through skills and desires to perform duties throughout the total workforce.
My belief is that young Christians should be encouraged to view career choices made with the driving motivation to infiltrate career fields to put a Christian emphasis on it. For example, a young person pursuing a career in news reporting (print or video) should consider how to impact journalism with high integrity. Eventually, these young people will assume higher positions of responsibility. Career fields - such as education, nursing, accounting, or even the military - should eventually be led by Christians.
Not only would career fields have a higher level of integrity of professionalism, but also a much-needed idea of the employer/supervisor as treating the employee fairly and respectfully.
So much more can be done to influence today's culture through the workplace. (How many christians have done just the opposite?) We really need to encourage young people that work is honorable and a ministry to God and man. No longer should ministry be restricted only to the church.
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