The newly refurbished Hubble Telescope will now be able to peer deeper iinto the depths of the universe. As described, it will be able to see millions of years back into time. The idea is that based on the speed of light and the distance that light must travel to our vision on earth means that that light must have left its source millions of years ago. Based on that calculation, our universe must be even older than that.
Recently, a discovery was made that took 2 years to reveal to the gener
al public. A new fossil has surfaced that most likely again "proves" that man came from lower animal species. I'm sorry - well, really I'm not - but I did not evolve from some multi-celled creature that climbed out of the primordial soup. I believe that God put fossils into His creation just to confound the "brilliant" scientists. I believe that in God's sense of humor He did this just prove the ignorance of man (see Romans 1:18-23).

By connecting the creation of mankind to the evoutionary process from other life forms disconnects man from the Creator. By disconnecting man from his Creator allows man to elevate himself to god.
As man then becomes god, he can begin to determine life and death choices originally left to the Creator. The literal life and death choices. Who lives, who dies, and when. First, death before birth, then assisted end of life, then death at the moment of birth. Soon, health care decisions will be made based on the quality of life. Who has the most value to contribute to society as a whole.
I did not evolve from animals (although my Mom may say that I acted like one, at times) and I will not have an imperfect "god" determining my value to society.
"By disconnecting man from his Creator allows man to elevate himself to god."
ReplyDelete- agreed
"As man then becomes god, he can begin to determine life and death choices originally left to the Creator. The literal life and death choices. Who lives, who dies, and when. First, death before birth, then assisted end of life, then death at the moment of birth. Soon, health care decisions will be made based on the quality of life. Who has the most value to contribute to society as a whole."
- agreed, your point above provides possible justification for this type of action
"By connecting the creation of mankind to the evoutionary process from other life forms disconnects man from the Creator."
- disagree. if your starting assumption is that God created the world, then connecting mankind to the evolutionary process only defines HOW God created the world.
if your starting assumption is that there is no God, then, yes, connecting mankind to evolution further disconnects mankind from God.
I guess my point is that it only disconnects the already disconnected. It is not Necessarily disconnecting.
I have a friend who is a hardcore evolution supporter, and takes that evolutionary process to accentuate the beauty and genius in how God went about creating the world and mankind.
It's all in what glasses you choose to put on!
Great last paragraph on what happens when we consider ourselves to be god!