Friday, June 26, 2009

I told you so!!

As I wrote on June 16th, I raised the issue of taxing employee paid health benefits by democrats. "So where is the opposition now??? Nowhere to be found. What are the unions receiving to keep quiet?" Well, they are receiving something.

The Senate Democrats are officially proposing to exempt union-negotiated health benefits from inclusion as taxable income in the future. This is the payoff. Congressional dems may not be able to change the law regarding union organizing, but they are protecting union members, while non-union employees are penalized. The result: unions can make it look as if it is profitable to be a union member - members don't have to pay taxes on health benefits.

Union membership in the U.S. is obviously on the decline - except in goverment - and unions are trying to reverse the trend. The highest level was in 1979 at 21.2% and 2003 had a level of 11.5%.

Congress is coming up with more and more opportunities to take money from us to spend the way they feel is more appropriate.


If you haven't died yet, you should be upset about the way government at all levels are trying to take more of our money to fund their desires.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Federal government dictionary

The federal government uses a dictionary that only they write...they make up the definitions.

When the average American sits down at the kitchen table to see how far this week's paycheck will go. We define "pay as you go" as pay until the money runs out. Seems logical. Can't spend what you don't have.

But in the Washington dictionary PAYGO has a very different definition. It says that you can only spend a dollar in a new appropriation that has been deleted from a different appropriation. Deficit spending is still very much active. The president tries to make it sound like he's spending responsibly, when in fact the annual deficit of the federal budget continues.

The unfortunate problem is that the federal dictionary does not come in printed form. Otherwise somebody may be held accountable. Remaining unprinted allows for a flexible definition. Always changing. Always changing. Always changing.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

My special Father's Day

Well, here it is Father's Day 2009. I have been blessed with four wonderful children. I am really thankful how healthy and "normal" they are as can be expected. Now it is exciting to see each one moving out (of the house especially) into their career fields of choice.

What probably makes this Father's Day special to me is how special my "added" kids have made me feel. Even though my 2 daughters-in-law have probably had less than perfect childhood experiences - and I am not speaking ill of their fathers - yet they have made me feel very special in their lives. They have made feel like I am their own dad.

Thanks girls!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

nationalized health care will fail

As has been the trend so far for the Obama administration, every issue must be resolved now! It not really is the fact that these issues necessitate resolution now, but rather, that with the democrats in charge Congress & the White House have the ideal opportunity to reshape America into their perceived ideal.

Now the issue is health care. Millions of Americans are without health insurance and this is causing horrendous effects on the overall economy (their perception – not mine). Major reformations must be enacted into law before the end of the year. Probably before Americans can see what is in the law and stand opposed to it.

Yet, I do believe that the idea of having the government in charge of health care will be a massive mistake. I would like to show a few examples why.

Probably the best example of government mismanagement is the United States Postal Service. Now if you know me, you know that I have been employed by this agency for the past 30 years. Even though the agency really is poorly managed – and all of the unions have a hand in this – that is secondary to why this agency is so badly run. This agency is a favorite target of Congress. They like to name postal facilities after themselves. If unneeded facilities are closed, that would result in fewer facilities to put congressional names on. Second, this agency is one of few that really is a money maker for Congress. The post office does not receive money from Congress, but rather adds money to Congress. Under the 2006 reorganization law, the USPS must contribute money for future USPS retirees’ health insurance costs. The post office is going broke primarily because of this obligation. But, individual congressmen like to meddle in USPS operations. USPS has tried to close unnecessary facilities and the unions have picketed against the closing – even though the employees will still have a job, although at another location – and congressmen have tried to meddle in these closures to preserve jobs in their respective districts. What a bunch of idiots. (Just like Barney Frank meddled in the GM bankruptcy – got a proposed facility slated to be closed suddenly reopened!) If Congress has the occasion to insert themselves into something to gain favor, well……

There is one irony in the potential for the funding to insure the few. Those of us that currently have health insurance and share the premium with our employers may soon be considered as taxable income. Currently, and since time began, employee share of insurance premiums has never been considered as taxable income. “Senate Democrats said a wide variety of issues were discussed with Obama, including providing a public health insurance plan option in a reform package and
whether to begin taxing some portion of the value of employer-sponsored health insurance.” This idea was buried in John McCain’s campaign platform. At that time unions were dead set against that idea. McCain apparently proposed to include health care premiums as taxable income, as reported by the AFL-CIO. So where is the opposition now??? Nowhere to be found. What are the unions receiving to keep quiet??

So it comes down to this…if congressmen get their hands into health care management of any kind will result in an absolute failure.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Inspiriration of Hope

It's been 30 LONG years since Ronald Reagan became a candidate for the Presidency before finally winning. It really seems hard to believe it was that long ago. At that time the economy was literally in the toilet. Double digit unemployment, double digit inflation on goods and services, and double digit rates on home mortgages. In the nation of Iran, Americans were being held hostage.

Candidate Reagan brought a refreshing attitude of self-reliance. He encouraged Americans not to depend on the government, but depend on self and family. Even though he said that government was the problem, there was an appropriate place in America for government. He moved well beyond class division. He lowered income taxes for all Americans, resulting in increased revenues for the government. He embraced economist Arthur Laffer's curve when nobody else would.

Former Florida governor Jeb Bush seems to think that Republicans should get over their sentimentality of Reagan. I think that is so wrong! We need to bring back Reagan and introduce him to a new generation. A generation that never has had the privilege of knowing him.

Below is a Reagan speech spliced together from several other speeches. It is obvious of what was made, but it sure does address the problems of today's current events. Sit back and enjoy this.