Monday, June 1, 2009

Inspiriration of Hope

It's been 30 LONG years since Ronald Reagan became a candidate for the Presidency before finally winning. It really seems hard to believe it was that long ago. At that time the economy was literally in the toilet. Double digit unemployment, double digit inflation on goods and services, and double digit rates on home mortgages. In the nation of Iran, Americans were being held hostage.

Candidate Reagan brought a refreshing attitude of self-reliance. He encouraged Americans not to depend on the government, but depend on self and family. Even though he said that government was the problem, there was an appropriate place in America for government. He moved well beyond class division. He lowered income taxes for all Americans, resulting in increased revenues for the government. He embraced economist Arthur Laffer's curve when nobody else would.

Former Florida governor Jeb Bush seems to think that Republicans should get over their sentimentality of Reagan. I think that is so wrong! We need to bring back Reagan and introduce him to a new generation. A generation that never has had the privilege of knowing him.

Below is a Reagan speech spliced together from several other speeches. It is obvious of what was made, but it sure does address the problems of today's current events. Sit back and enjoy this.

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