Monday, July 20, 2009

Pro-life will pay for abortions under Obama

The health care debate intensifies.

The White House and Congressional leaders are saying that the bills that have passed so far that it is a work in progress and we should not be concerned about the details until the final bill is up for vote.

Unfortunately, from my perspective, it is way too late to try and modify/kill any proposals when we get to the final vote.

For any Christians that calls themselves pro-life, it is time to prepare yoruselves for a true gut check. Legislation that has passed out of committee (not signed into law yet) includes REQUIREMENTS TO PAY FOR ABORTIONS! The White House has also said that federal funding for abortions is still a possibility and
"on the table."

This is obviously a political payment to abortion supporters from the Democratic party. But pro-life people will now be obligated to pay to unborn babies through their tax dollars.


Don't think nationalized health care is a savior program handed from the government. This is a major power grab of our individual liberties by the federal government. Write to Senator Lugar and Senator Bayh and let them know this HAS TO STOP!

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