“By the sweat of your face
You will eat bread,
Till you return to the ground,
Because from it you were taken;
For you are dust,
And to dust you shall return."
Genesis 3:19
- God speaking to Adam & Eve after the revelation of their disobedience.
Yesterday I had a moment that made that verse VERY real. Some people may equate this nothing more than a pre-schooler discovering the switch on a flashlight can turn on and off the light.
I usually shave with a blade but occasionally use the electric razor for my lazy moments – even though the blade really is faster. Anyway, I don’t usually empty the electric razor of whiskers after every shave. I emptied it into the sink yesterday and it had more than I expected. First noticeable fact – the color of the whiskers – gray.
The next fact is important. I rubbed the whiskers in my fingers and it felt just like fine sand. From a sandbox. I know this sounds a bit kooky, but that is when I realized what I am made of and where my shell will return.
Our lives are short and our bodies are made of basic materials from the earth. What makes us different from everything around us is the soul within that seeks to connect with its Creator. Unfortunately, many people do not make that connection during their living hours. Don’t delay - know that God has creatively made us to worship Him.
Great story - article