Saturday, September 5, 2009

Another federal government spending topic

There is an excellent interview article in the Sept.5 issue of the Wall Street Journal by John Fund of former GAO head David Walker.

The small facts that are included in the article but not given much discussion involves the future obligations of Social Security and Medicare. To the tune of more than $56 TRILLION. Forget health care reform and its mind-boggling future expenses. The government debt is already here and growing faster than we can imagine. (See the spinning numbers of the U.S. debt clock).

The President's desire to reform health care is not about helping people. It's about gaining control of more private money to pay for future federal obligations. This is a shell game. Rob Peter to pay Paul. Dedicated funds for specific projects - don't exist. Well, the line item in the budget exists, but the funds are nothing more than federal IOU's because the money has been raided and used for something else.

To a quote a famous personality, Earl Pitts - "Wake up America!"

The justification of government to further gets its nose under the tent of health reform can't be proven, because it hasn't been able to prudently manage the current programs. Suddenly it can do better!?!?! Get real!

Liberals chide conservatives that the richest nation in the world can't afford to provide basic health care to all of its citizes. Liberals will soon have to face major, major, MAJOR reductions in federal spending. What choices can or will they make?

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