Monday, March 30, 2009

Days gone by might be coming back

As a former Camaro owner, this video brings back a sense of pride and a better day gone by. Unfortunately, I don't think this competition will actually happen after what happened to General Motors today.

The Role of a Dad

In the movie "Grease" there is a scene where Frenchie is talking with Sandy and she makes the comment that "nobody can love a girl like her daddy." I have continually tried to convince my daughter of that for years and I think she has believed that until this year. Apparently she thinks there is some guy on campus that loves her more. Hopefully, she will always remember that her daddy loves her more than any other man can in her life.

But it's the same for sons also. Just displayed differently.

As I have described before, dads are marginalized in the popular media. I believe just the opposite. I think that dads are important to the development of making boys into men and girls into ladies.

Under the women's liberation movement, social roles and identities have been seriously harmed. Men became more feminized and women were masculinized.

Dads have the obligation to teach their sons that they have the duty to stand by their family to provide, protect, and love. Men are to be leaders. Not dictators, but leaders. They also have the duty to treat women as ladies. Respect, courtesy, love, put her on a pedestal.

Also, dads have the responsibility to teach a girl to be a lady. He should model to her how he treats his wife. He should instill in her that she should expect that type of treatment from her eventual boyfriends. Moms teach daughters the "how-to" of being feminine. But I believe dads have a MAJOR role in teaching daughters how to be a lady.

Dads are important to the stability of the family.

Friday, March 27, 2009

How Fights Start

Lasting marriages really depend on humor to get them through the rough times. Thanks to my daughter-in-law (and hopefully these situations aren't based on my son) the following will help you get through today.

How Fights Start --------------------------------

My wife sat down on the couch next to me as I was flipping channels.
She asked, 'What's on TV?'
I said, 'Dust.'
And then the fight started...

I took my wife to a restaurant. The waiter, for some reason, took my order first.
"I'll have the strip steak, medium rare, please."
He said, "Aren't you worried about the mad cow?""
Nah, she can order for herself."
And then the fight started...

I asked my wife, "Where do you want to go for our anniversary? "
It warmed my heart to see her face melt in sweet appreciation.
"Somewhere I haven't been in a long time!" she said.
So I suggested, "How about the kitchen?"
And that's when the fight started....

After retiring, I went to the Social Security office to apply for Social
Security. The woman behind the counter asked me for my driver's
license to verify my age. I looked in my pockets and realized I had
left my wallet at home. I told the woman that I was very sorry, but I
would have to go home and come back later. The woman said, 'Unbutton your shirt'. So I opened my shirt revealing my curly silver hair. She said, 'That silver hair on your chest is proof
enough for me' and she processed my Social Security application.
When I got home, I excitedly told my wife about my experience at the Social Security office.
She said, 'You should have dropped your pants. You might have gotten disability, too.'
And then the fight started...

My wife and I are watching Who Wants To Be A Millionaire while we were in
bed. I turned to her and said, "Do you want to have sex?"
"No," she answered.
I then said, "Is that your final answer?"
She didn't even look at me this time, simply saying "Yes."
So I said, "Then I'd like to phone a friend."
And that's when the fight started....

Friday, March 20, 2009

AIG or pork?

According to Congress, Americans are very upset about the $165 million bonuses for AIG executives. But that is really not true. Senator Schumer from New York reminds us that we really don't care about the billions that the government spends on special projects, ie pork projects. So the news media must be totally wrong.

Monday, March 16, 2009

They earn HOW MUCH?!?!

Federal legislators are SO upset that employees of bailed-out companies are getting hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensation for work that apparently put these businesses in their current condition. All well and good. Salary tied to performance. I love it. But yet the president and Congress don't want executives of large corporations earning more than $500,000. Is that fair? These people make decisions that affect the careers and lives of thousands of employees and their families. Their decisions affect stock prices of investors.

Where is the outrage at people earning millions of dollars each year and add no value to the overall American economy? Below is a list of current major league baseball players and their income. Where is the outrage?? These people are earning money from average schmucks walking through the turnstiles. What is their skill? Hit, catch, and throw a baseball.

Average annual value of current highest-paid players in baseball:

Alex Rodriguez, $27,500,000 (2008-17)
CC Sabathia, $23,000,000 (2009-15)
Johan Santana, $22,916,667 (2008-13)
Manny Ramirez, $22,500,000 (2009-10)
Mark Teixeira, $22,500,000 (2009-16)
Miguel Cabrera, $19,037,500 (2008-15)
Derek Jeter, $18,900,000 (2001-10)
Carlos Zambrano, $18,300,000 (2008-12)
Andruw Jones, $18,100,000 (2008-09)
Ryan Howard, $18,000,000 (2009-11)
Torii Hunter, $18,000,000 (2008-12)
Ichiro Suzuki, $18,000,000 (2008-12)
Vernon Wells, $18,000,000 (2008-14)
Barry Zito, $18,000,000 (2007-13)
Jake Peavy, $17,333,333 (2010-12)
Carlos Beltran, $17,000,000 (2005-11)
Alfonso Soriano, $17,000,000 (2007-14)

Cot's Baseball Contracts

Esentially, I have no problem with people earning what the market will bear. I do have a problem with Congress beginnning to say who should make what they determine to be fair compensation. This really is a major shift toward socialism.

Church leadership

I will be the first to admit that the evangelical church is not perfect. It contains members that imperfect, but as is said, forgiven. I am one of them. Fortunately, you will not find a perfect Christian anywhere. Again, thankfully, we have a Savior that is very forgiving.

Because there are no perfect church members, there are many mistakes made within the church. Even by the leaders. Since I know hardly anybody reads what I write here, let alone even care about my opinion, I figure it’s time to vent. Hopefully, it will be cathartic.

Several years ago I taught in adult Bible studies in church. I know that sometimes my presentation style was not the best. I occasionally attended local conferences to help me. When I started attending my current church I would fill in sometimes teaching when the regular teacher was away on business. I enjoyed that schedule. Otherwise, I would open the class with small discussion, prayer, etc. prior to the lesson. Well, one couple felt the class structure needed changed. I was out. A year later I was asked to lead a Wednesday class one week before the class was scheduled to begin. I was upset. No time to plan or prepare. I asked to meet with the elders about this situation. I was upset that I was unceremoniously removed from my little position previously in ABS. Now I was asked at the last minute to lead a class. I said that was poor planning. At that point I was told by one elder that he was in one of my classes and said I was a poor teacher. Another elder said that he had heard the same thing. Another elder called me selfish for not agreeing to lead the Wednesday class. If they felt I was less than capable to teach, then why hadn’t they told me previously, I asked. They had no answer. I said that if they felt there were issues to correct, I could accept instruction. They apologized for not doing that. I asked for follow-up. Maybe there would be many others willing to be instructed on how to teach an interesting class. More than a year later not a word from any of them about follow-up. I finally went back to them and said never mind, I’m tired of waiting. At this point, one asked if I would be willing to submit to them for restoration. All I could do was chuckle. I had done everything right. Yet they were trying to come off as the righteous ones.

All this brings me now to today. More than a year after that last meeting, I still harbor feelings of bitterness. I tried to be faithful to this church and they dumped me. A couple of weeks ago the sermon was from Ephesians chapter 5. Part of the sermon asked about personal growth. “You should be teachers, yet you still need to be taught the basics.” I was thinking about those (me) that wanted to teach but leadership wanted nothing to do with. I sit in classes where other individuals are less competent than me – I don’t deny their passion to be there – and have heard the pastor endorse them. Yes. I am bitter. And I don’t need anybody to tell me that that is wrong, I know. I just wish they would at least make an effort to qualify uniformly who will stand in class to teach. If their responsibility is to protect the flock, then they should. If someone is teaching correct theology and is putting the class to sleep, how effective are they? Who is responsible for correcting the situation?

One last thing. This is definitely not intended to give reason for any person to avoid church. Any believer needs to be in attendance. Regularly.

I had to vent.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Growing up I was enamored with the concept of space travel. I wasn't necessarily a science fiction junkie, but a follower of the US space program. As each Apollo flight was headed to the moon, I was watching it on TV, reading about it in the newspapers, listening on the radio. (I even have - still - an autographed photo of Richard Gordon from Apollo12). So my kids know now that my favorite movie is Apollo13. When there is anything on tv about those days of landing on the moon, I'm watching it.

Well, recently there was a program on tv called "For All Mankind." It was a compilation of videos from the spacecrafts taken by the astronauts themselves. The program was also narrated by the astronauts. One made an interesting comment and I want the scientists to answer for me.
"When the sunlight shines through the blackness of space it's black. But I was in sunlight and I was able to look at this blackness. What are you looking at? Call it the universe, but it's the infinity of space and time. I'm looking at something called space that had no end and at time that has no meaning." In other words, he was in total light and yet in total blackness at the same time. How can this be??


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Teaching a man to be a man

Back to the discussion of manhood.

Some may take my discussions here as sexist. They are not intended to be. Historically the man/husband has been assumed to be responsible for the family. He provided the work to bring home the “bacon.” Sometimes that meant actually butcher the hog and bring home the bacon. He would sign the contracts to purchase the home, car, etc. Society today has changed the role to make equals of husband and wife. I don’t have a problem with that, but I do believe that somebody has to make the final decisions.

Unfortunately, a lot of what is wrong with the family today is the fault of the husband/father. While I don’t have statistical info to back up my claims, I think most people would agree with my assumptions. Most divorces are the result of the wandering eye of the man. Whether it is sexual or career or self-interest, men are more willing to pursue diversionary interests outside of the family.

To wit, the evangelical church has failed to address this issue. There is a class for every group. Infants, pre-schoolers, little kids, pre-teens, teens, college age, women’s groups. And the programs for these groups are intense. We have staff to address kid’s programs. Multiple women’s studies and get togethers. Where is the husband/father at? Maybe a seasonal sporting activity.

What men really need is to be taught how to be men. Too many men these days base their instruction on media representations. Television portrays men as idiots. Perhaps the model as described in the Bible. Actual mentoring. Small groups. One-on-one. A respect for older men that have been through it. Life-seasoned. But the church hardly does this. We wonder why Christian marriages are failing at the same rate as non-religious marriages. Lack of instruction. Lack of respect. Lack of determination to do the hard stuff. Look in your church library at books on how to be a man. The total will probably be less than the number on how to raise children. It will be less than women’s issues.

What are your thoughts?

Monday, March 9, 2009

That's my child?!?

The President has said that he wants the government to provide health care for all Americans. He wants to provide educational training from cradle to adult career employment. Right now, when the bill comes due for medical services or education it is sent to the natural parents. That is proof they are your children. If the government becomes provider of services, won't you become nothing more than surrogate parents, providing future taxpayers for the benefit of the government?? Logically, this situation could also allow the government then to choose the health and sex of the child, force abortion if the child is developing abnormally, or place birth limitations on families. Hasn't this happened elsewhere? It does sound familiar.

Love is....

It is difficult sometimes to understand why bad things can happen to good people on this earth. And it’s usually the people that don’t believe there is a God that ask “why does God allow evil to happen?”

I saw yesterday in church why this takes place. (The short story) A couple of years ago a family with two children was now expecting their third. Soon the family was told that the child would not survive after birth due to defects. The parents were advised to abort the child. The parents chose not to and followed through to natural birth, knowing the baby would die very soon after birth. As expected, the baby was born, lived briefly, then died. The child had the honor of being recognized by the government as a citizen with all due birthrights. The story doesn’t end here. Leaving the hospital childless was emotional for the parents.

God gives experiences to believers that can endure the difficulties. This family is one example. They have felt the need to reach out to families that now and will in the future go through the same pain. They are in contact with virtually every area hospital when this may happen. They will provide a birth scrapbook and a stuffed bear to families to help ease the pain for the childless parents.

I am a “John-Wayne-don’t-show-your-emotion” type of person. It takes a lot for me to cry publicly. (Or listening to “Butterfly Kisses”) Listening to their presentation had me in tears. Firstly, it makes me so thankful for the perfect health of all of my children. Second, it is amazing to see God working through the lives of people. And this really is God actively interacting with mankind.
Want to know more? Call Wallen Baptist Church. 260-489-4942.