I am amazed that the tree-hugging, environmentalist liberals are so determined to link human existence to global warming. Now the US EPA is going to regulate carbon dioxide as a deadly gas.
Last time I checked, every time I breathe, I exhale that deadly gas. Last time I checked, nature needs carbon dioxide to survive. I guess we kind of need each other to survive.
Well, many of these environmental do-gooders really want to limit global population to regulate global carbon dioxide. Yet, I find so much irony in the behavior of these do-gooders in failing to limit their "carbon footprint."
I think the real proof in their dedication to preserving the natural state of the global environment would be in the ultimate self-sacrifice. Reduce global population to preserve the environment starting with themselves.
But, if they are gone, who would be our social conscience???? The awful dilemma.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Carbon controls in the US

Now the EPA is going to regulate the emissions of carbon dioxide.
Yet, the US is the world leader in fossil fuel reserves. We are going to restrict our energy production so that China and India will surpass in production output.
My state of Indiana will be severely affected by these controls. Jobs will be lost under this plan.
Where will the federal governemnt get the money to replaced lost revenues from these plans?
Thank goodness 2010 is coming, unfortunately maybe not fast enough.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
The perfect Christmas experience
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Presidential reading material

As reported today (11/25/2009) on Drudge Report, this picture shows the President leaving the White House carrying a copy of GQ magazine - with a picture of himself on the cover!! Maybe he just uses it as a cover for very important top secret files. HA!
This man really has no clue of his position in the world.
Monday, November 16, 2009
This past weekend I had to admit that I was wrong. That was the easy part.
I sat face to face with a man from my church that I felt had wronged me. My response over the past 5 years was wrong. Machismo had taken over. My general "John Wayne" attitude had taken over then and I felt I could recover just fine on my own. Nope. No man is an island to himself. I was on a deserted island. Now, he came to apologize to me. And he did so sincerely.
Suddenly, I was faced with the responsibility to forgive. The sudden sense that I had power over another person was very nearly overwhelming. More importantly, it was a sensation that I wanted to have no part of. While my forgiveness may seemed insincere, it was more the sudden emotion of power that I did not want.
I can seem to be intimidating. And it can be fun to exert that power (to a future son-in-law). Yet in this situation I did not like that power and wanted to have no part of it.
I think it is easier to ask for forgiveness than to give it.
I sat face to face with a man from my church that I felt had wronged me. My response over the past 5 years was wrong. Machismo had taken over. My general "John Wayne" attitude had taken over then and I felt I could recover just fine on my own. Nope. No man is an island to himself. I was on a deserted island. Now, he came to apologize to me. And he did so sincerely.
Suddenly, I was faced with the responsibility to forgive. The sudden sense that I had power over another person was very nearly overwhelming. More importantly, it was a sensation that I wanted to have no part of. While my forgiveness may seemed insincere, it was more the sudden emotion of power that I did not want.
I can seem to be intimidating. And it can be fun to exert that power (to a future son-in-law). Yet in this situation I did not like that power and wanted to have no part of it.
I think it is easier to ask for forgiveness than to give it.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
The wonders of the universe
After sunset last night, I started a fire in the firepit and watched the sun set and the stars come out on a clear night like little lights turning on in the sky. The temperature was low enough to see my breath. I enjoy watching the flashing lights from planes flying around the sky, wondering what city they came from, where they are headed, and who the passengers are on them. I just don't stare at the sky enough for myself and I know that few people take the time to appreciate the wonders of the universe. It was a beautiful night to remember what a little person I am in the grand scheme of God's plan.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Congress has to spend money to make money
In a brilliant move by Congress, billions of tax dollars were spent on the "Cash for Clunkers" program. It has now been calculated that it comes out to approximately $24,000 per car purchased!!! What a deal! We spend $24,000 to reimburse car dealers $4,000 for a new car and trash many very usable used cars.
And with this kind of math, the current government wants to take over our health care now. I can't wait to see how much they want to save us here. (Well, actually, I can wait - in fact, I don't even want it to happen!)
And with this kind of math, the current government wants to take over our health care now. I can't wait to see how much they want to save us here. (Well, actually, I can wait - in fact, I don't even want it to happen!)
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The liberal media
In Fort Wayne IN, we have a local newspaper that leans way to the left. The editorial page tries to think it is very objective in its comments page.
Recently, they took the opportunity to chastise Republican Indiana state Secretary of State Todd Rokita for some of his activities. They accused him of using his office for a possible future run at govenor (at least 2 years away). The newspaper seems to have forgotten a former secretary of state that had used the office as a trial run to his ascendency to governor. That person was Evan Bayh. What makes this all significant is that I sent a letter to editor addressing this issue. The paper states that they may edit letters for printing. I post below first my original letter and then the letter they published. You can decide for yourself how extensive they "re-wrote" my letter. I think more to protect their image than for space issues.
What I wrote:
What they printed:
Recently, they took the opportunity to chastise Republican Indiana state Secretary of State Todd Rokita for some of his activities. They accused him of using his office for a possible future run at govenor (at least 2 years away). The newspaper seems to have forgotten a former secretary of state that had used the office as a trial run to his ascendency to governor. That person was Evan Bayh. What makes this all significant is that I sent a letter to editor addressing this issue. The paper states that they may edit letters for printing. I post below first my original letter and then the letter they published. You can decide for yourself how extensive they "re-wrote" my letter. I think more to protect their image than for space issues.
What I wrote:
From the editorial page on October 17th, we find this written by the J-G staff:
There’s a fine line between enjoying the high profile incumbency offers and exploiting the title for political gain. Rokita’s frequent Twitter updates….seem to cross that line.
The state constitution limits the secretary of state to two terms, which Rokita will have filled at the end of next year. Seeking higher office is certainly admirable, but Rokita should be aware that his obligations as an officeholder take precedence over his political future and that his activities raise questions about his dedication to his current post.
Apparently the author is too young to remember a former Indiana secretary of State held the office for only two years, as a stepping stone for his future run as governor. What did he accomplish during his partial term? Every source I looked regarding Evan Bayh’s biography made no mention of any accomplishment as S.of S. They all quickly skip his to his run as governor in 1988. It was no mystery at the time that Mr. Bayh was only laying the foundation for his goal as governor.
Perhaps this newspaper should review Mr. Rokita’s accomplishments in his current office and reserve judgment on any aspirations he may have on other elected offices until the appropriate time.
What they printed:
Regarding the editorial “Office-holder or candidate?”
(Oct. 17): The state constitution limits the secretary of state to two terms,
which Todd Rokita will have filled at the end of next year. Rokita should be
aware that his obligations as an officeholder take precedence over his political
future and that his activities raise questions about his dedication to his
current post.
A former Indiana secretary of state held the office for only
two years and used it as a stepping stone for his run as governor. Every source
I looked at regarding Evan Bayh’s biography make no mention of any
accomplishment as secretary of state. Biographies all quickly skip to Bayh’s run
for governor in 1988. It was no mystery at the time that Bayh was only laying
the foundation for his goal to be governor.
Perhaps The Journal Gazette
should review Rokita’s accomplishments in his current office and reserve
judgment on any aspirations he may have on other elected offices until the
appropriate time.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
The government is upside down
Is it just me or does anybody else notice how topsy turvy the Obama administration is?
First, I see that the Justice Dept. will not pursue the prosecution of illegal marijuana use. We can debate the criminality of such behavior. Is it wise to tell the public that even though "we the government know that marijuana use is illegal according to the law, we are letting you know that we will not prosecute you." Would that not possibly encourage more illegal behavior?
Second, the government has also quietly said they will not pursue pornographers. There is an obvious linkage between pornography and sexual crimes.
What are we telling the criminals?? You go ahead and do what you do and don't fear the government.
Thirdly, the government IS going after highly paid executives in the banking industry and those businesses that have taken bailout money from the government. The "pay czar" is limiting the income of those individuals. Why could not the government see this coming? Companies get government assistance, start to make a profit again and then reward their employees accordingly. There were no ties initially linking pay and performance when the money was distributed. Now they change the rules AFTER the fact. The debate can go on about whether these companies performed the expectations the government originally had for them. Some may very well may not performing as hoped. But there were no expectations put in writing. (That we know of, since the government is not being very open about the details of how the money has been spent.) The government is possibly going after other businesses in the same fields as the original recipients.
I have hard a time accepting the fact that the government can say how much an individual can earn from a private business. This type of government interference is directly contrary to free enterprise. Earn as much as you can for the work you do. This witch hunting the government is involved in is just plain un-American.
In essence, the current administration is saying that criminal behavior is okay, but legal activity that the government deems wrong will be controlled. This is all wrong!
First, I see that the Justice Dept. will not pursue the prosecution of illegal marijuana use. We can debate the criminality of such behavior. Is it wise to tell the public that even though "we the government know that marijuana use is illegal according to the law, we are letting you know that we will not prosecute you." Would that not possibly encourage more illegal behavior?
Second, the government has also quietly said they will not pursue pornographers. There is an obvious linkage between pornography and sexual crimes.
What are we telling the criminals?? You go ahead and do what you do and don't fear the government.
Thirdly, the government IS going after highly paid executives in the banking industry and those businesses that have taken bailout money from the government. The "pay czar" is limiting the income of those individuals. Why could not the government see this coming? Companies get government assistance, start to make a profit again and then reward their employees accordingly. There were no ties initially linking pay and performance when the money was distributed. Now they change the rules AFTER the fact. The debate can go on about whether these companies performed the expectations the government originally had for them. Some may very well may not performing as hoped. But there were no expectations put in writing. (That we know of, since the government is not being very open about the details of how the money has been spent.) The government is possibly going after other businesses in the same fields as the original recipients.
I have hard a time accepting the fact that the government can say how much an individual can earn from a private business. This type of government interference is directly contrary to free enterprise. Earn as much as you can for the work you do. This witch hunting the government is involved in is just plain un-American.
In essence, the current administration is saying that criminal behavior is okay, but legal activity that the government deems wrong will be controlled. This is all wrong!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The truth of stimulus spending
A couple of weeks ago there was an interesting article in The Wall Street Journal (Oct 1) about government spending that supposedly spurs the economy. While the article was detailed and a bit over my head, the last paragraph did an excellent job at summary.
What it comes down to is that government spending does not stimulate the economy. Maybe the American populace may begin to understand this. I know the spenders in DC never will. It will need to take a complete change of the Washington guard before this may be accomplished.
The bottom line is this: The available empirical evidence does
not support the idea that spending multipliers typically exceed one, and thus
spending stimulus programs will likely raise GDP by less than the increase in
government spending. Defense-spending multipliers exceeding one likely apply
only at very high unemployment rates, and nondefense multipliers are probably
smaller. However, there is empirical support for the proposition that tax rate
reductions will increase real GDP.
What it comes down to is that government spending does not stimulate the economy. Maybe the American populace may begin to understand this. I know the spenders in DC never will. It will need to take a complete change of the Washington guard before this may be accomplished.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
End of time
Let my obituary say:
He had a hard heart and a soft head. He never loved God as much as he should have.
His wife was his very best friend. His children will NEVER know how much he loved each one of them.
He had a hard heart and a soft head. He never loved God as much as he should have.
His wife was his very best friend. His children will NEVER know how much he loved each one of them.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
which is better - a national sales tax or VAT??
This is an interesting news bit.
Former Chief of Staff to President Clinton, John Podesta, favors the use of a national value-added tax. A Value-Added Tax - VAT - is a tax that is applied to a product throughout its production. A car would have taxes added to it throughout the production process, such as the construction of sub-parts and parts to an engine, the transmission, frame, etc. would all be taxedd and then added to the price of the vehicle. Then the car would most likely also be charged a sales tax and possibly a luxury tax. The problem with VAT is that it becomes part of the cost of production, significantly raising the final retail price.
A VAT tax would not be so bad if all other taxes were eliminated. If they were, it would become somewhat similar to the concept of the Fair Tax. Thus only the consumer would be charged for the consumption of a manufactured item. Of course, the problem is that all of the taxes are hidden into the production costs and the consumer would never really know the actual cost of the product minus the added taxes.
In contrast, the FAIR Tax does eliminate ALL taxes - sales, income, property, etc. - and just charges a sales tax. The consumer has better information regarding the actual production cost of the product. The consumer pays taxes for only what he/she consumes. Purchasers of luxury items like motor homes, yachts, or SUV's would not be perceived as bad people owning expensive stuff. If you want to pay the sales tax on an item, so be it. Go to their web site for a better explanation. But it is a much better and fairer tax.
The problem with Mr. Podesta's suggestion is that the VAT would be in ADDITION to sales taxes. He advocates this to increase more federal government revenue. What this will obviously do is hurt the national economy by discouraging purchasing and result in reduced need of labor - higher unemployment.
He justifies his position saying that Clinton raised taxes on the rich in the 1990's and it resulted in large increases in revenues while also growing the national economy. That is FALSE! Clinton happened to be the beneficiary of circumstances, namely the explosion of the era of technology. Home computers, the internet, and the overvaluation of technology companies during this decade. Once some intenet-based companies died or were bought out by other companies, the economy came back to reality.
Don't buy into VAT. It will do as much to destroy the economy as cap and trade and health care reform.
Former Chief of Staff to President Clinton, John Podesta, favors the use of a national value-added tax. A Value-Added Tax - VAT - is a tax that is applied to a product throughout its production. A car would have taxes added to it throughout the production process, such as the construction of sub-parts and parts to an engine, the transmission, frame, etc. would all be taxedd and then added to the price of the vehicle. Then the car would most likely also be charged a sales tax and possibly a luxury tax. The problem with VAT is that it becomes part of the cost of production, significantly raising the final retail price.
A VAT tax would not be so bad if all other taxes were eliminated. If they were, it would become somewhat similar to the concept of the Fair Tax. Thus only the consumer would be charged for the consumption of a manufactured item. Of course, the problem is that all of the taxes are hidden into the production costs and the consumer would never really know the actual cost of the product minus the added taxes.
In contrast, the FAIR Tax does eliminate ALL taxes - sales, income, property, etc. - and just charges a sales tax. The consumer has better information regarding the actual production cost of the product. The consumer pays taxes for only what he/she consumes. Purchasers of luxury items like motor homes, yachts, or SUV's would not be perceived as bad people owning expensive stuff. If you want to pay the sales tax on an item, so be it. Go to their web site for a better explanation. But it is a much better and fairer tax.
The problem with Mr. Podesta's suggestion is that the VAT would be in ADDITION to sales taxes. He advocates this to increase more federal government revenue. What this will obviously do is hurt the national economy by discouraging purchasing and result in reduced need of labor - higher unemployment.
He justifies his position saying that Clinton raised taxes on the rich in the 1990's and it resulted in large increases in revenues while also growing the national economy. That is FALSE! Clinton happened to be the beneficiary of circumstances, namely the explosion of the era of technology. Home computers, the internet, and the overvaluation of technology companies during this decade. Once some intenet-based companies died or were bought out by other companies, the economy came back to reality.
Don't buy into VAT. It will do as much to destroy the economy as cap and trade and health care reform.
Friday, September 25, 2009
compare the protesters
It is quite humorous to see what is happening in Pittsburgh this week. Aside from the official events planned for the G-20 Summit, watching the planned protests and police response is very interesting. The city has been boarded up, fenced up, and locked down to control or limit the activities of protestors of the event.
The fear is that violence – whether planned or spontaneous – may spawn destruction or threaten the safety of the summit participants. The ACLU is there defend protester rights. Watch the videos and observe the number of law enforcement officers in the scene and the force they have available to maintain peace.
Now compare that to the march on DC back on 9/12. Protesters everywhere. Hundreds of thousands of participants. Yet, in all of the videos and photos how many police officers were present and how much firepower did they have available? What about all of the tea parties and health care protests around the country? What was the level of police presence? Significantly lower than that in Pittsburgh.
Yet the liberals in control of Congress are more fearful and willing to label conservative protesters as more dangerous to the peace of our country. They say blood will flow in the streets. It takes the Speaker back to the violence of the 1970’s.
I attended a tea party in Fort Wayne, Indiana earlier this year. Hundreds of participants, yet I did not see any police presence. I heard some were there, yet invisible. But this is very demonstrative of the expected behavior of protesters by the police. They don’t fear the conservatives. They are peaceful, yet vocal. They just want to live in peace, trusting that the government will protect them from enemies of that peace, both foreign and domestic.
This is objective proof that conservatives are not the people that the government needs to fear.
The fear is that violence – whether planned or spontaneous – may spawn destruction or threaten the safety of the summit participants. The ACLU is there defend protester rights. Watch the videos and observe the number of law enforcement officers in the scene and the force they have available to maintain peace.
Now compare that to the march on DC back on 9/12. Protesters everywhere. Hundreds of thousands of participants. Yet, in all of the videos and photos how many police officers were present and how much firepower did they have available? What about all of the tea parties and health care protests around the country? What was the level of police presence? Significantly lower than that in Pittsburgh.
Yet the liberals in control of Congress are more fearful and willing to label conservative protesters as more dangerous to the peace of our country. They say blood will flow in the streets. It takes the Speaker back to the violence of the 1970’s.
I attended a tea party in Fort Wayne, Indiana earlier this year. Hundreds of participants, yet I did not see any police presence. I heard some were there, yet invisible. But this is very demonstrative of the expected behavior of protesters by the police. They don’t fear the conservatives. They are peaceful, yet vocal. They just want to live in peace, trusting that the government will protect them from enemies of that peace, both foreign and domestic.
This is objective proof that conservatives are not the people that the government needs to fear.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Pride in the American economy
Recently, I finished reading the book The Last Best Hope, by Joe Scarborough. Joe was formerly a Republican Congressman from Florida elected as a part of the 1994 wave. He has since left Congress and is now host of the weekday morning show, “Joe in the Morning” on MSNBC cable network. Actually, I like his TV show. He does have a lot of liberal guests on the show, but some of the other regulars do have some centrist or conservative leanings. I do wish Joe would exhibit more conservative perspective. He has spent as much time criticizing Republican policies as he does Democrats’. Given the amount of liberal commentators on television today, every defender of conservatism is needed.
Anyway, back to his book. Generally, it is good. It does take Republicans to task in their need to be the true conservatives they need to be and that America wants. He also points out where common sense should prevail over politicization of an issue. He truly sounds like the conservative I could have a beer with (oh, that’s right, I don’t drink beer).
There is one topic in his book that I do take issue with. He is very critical in the amount of energy America consumes. We consume “a disproportionate amount of the earth’s energy” (p. 101). He favors energy efficiency. While I favor increase in efficiency, there is nothing wrong with the amount of energy we have consumed.
U.S. energy has powered the American economic engine. That engine has created a large amount of wealth, not only for Americans, but also for the rest of the world. It is through our largesse that has been shared worldwide. Annually, the U.S. government sends millions of dollars to foreign governments in the form of aid. We send more emergency relief to disasters than any other nation. Our technology has improved living standards everywhere. Yes, the US of A is great!
We can always improve, but we have no reason to apologize for what our economy has done to improve the lives of people everywhere.
Anyway, back to his book. Generally, it is good. It does take Republicans to task in their need to be the true conservatives they need to be and that America wants. He also points out where common sense should prevail over politicization of an issue. He truly sounds like the conservative I could have a beer with (oh, that’s right, I don’t drink beer).
There is one topic in his book that I do take issue with. He is very critical in the amount of energy America consumes. We consume “a disproportionate amount of the earth’s energy” (p. 101). He favors energy efficiency. While I favor increase in efficiency, there is nothing wrong with the amount of energy we have consumed.
U.S. energy has powered the American economic engine. That engine has created a large amount of wealth, not only for Americans, but also for the rest of the world. It is through our largesse that has been shared worldwide. Annually, the U.S. government sends millions of dollars to foreign governments in the form of aid. We send more emergency relief to disasters than any other nation. Our technology has improved living standards everywhere. Yes, the US of A is great!
We can always improve, but we have no reason to apologize for what our economy has done to improve the lives of people everywhere.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Another federal government spending topic
There is an excellent interview article in the Sept.5 issue of the Wall Street Journal by John Fund of former GAO head David Walker.
The small facts that are included in the article but not given much discussion involves the future obligations of Social Security and Medicare. To the tune of more than $56 TRILLION. Forget health care reform and its mind-boggling future expenses. The government debt is already here and growing faster than we can imagine. (See the spinning numbers of the U.S. debt clock).
The President's desire to reform health care is not about helping people. It's about gaining control of more private money to pay for future federal obligations. This is a shell game. Rob Peter to pay Paul. Dedicated funds for specific projects - don't exist. Well, the line item in the budget exists, but the funds are nothing more than federal IOU's because the money has been raided and used for something else.
To a quote a famous personality, Earl Pitts - "Wake up America!"
The justification of government to further gets its nose under the tent of health reform can't be proven, because it hasn't been able to prudently manage the current programs. Suddenly it can do better!?!?! Get real!
Liberals chide conservatives that the richest nation in the world can't afford to provide basic health care to all of its citizes. Liberals will soon have to face major, major, MAJOR reductions in federal spending. What choices can or will they make?
The small facts that are included in the article but not given much discussion involves the future obligations of Social Security and Medicare. To the tune of more than $56 TRILLION. Forget health care reform and its mind-boggling future expenses. The government debt is already here and growing faster than we can imagine. (See the spinning numbers of the U.S. debt clock).
The President's desire to reform health care is not about helping people. It's about gaining control of more private money to pay for future federal obligations. This is a shell game. Rob Peter to pay Paul. Dedicated funds for specific projects - don't exist. Well, the line item in the budget exists, but the funds are nothing more than federal IOU's because the money has been raided and used for something else.
To a quote a famous personality, Earl Pitts - "Wake up America!"
The justification of government to further gets its nose under the tent of health reform can't be proven, because it hasn't been able to prudently manage the current programs. Suddenly it can do better!?!?! Get real!
Liberals chide conservatives that the richest nation in the world can't afford to provide basic health care to all of its citizes. Liberals will soon have to face major, major, MAJOR reductions in federal spending. What choices can or will they make?
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Find the good in America
I've written about Keith Olbermann before. What a ranting, crazy liberal loon. (Is that all reduntant?) I watch him occassionally on MSNBC in the evening, but for only a few minutes at time. I really can't handle too much at once.
He has a spot each night on his show itemizing the 3 worst people for the day. Usually he lists Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh somewhere in those 3 every day.
What amazes me is his daily pursuit of finding what is wrong with America. Maybe this is what is wrong with America - the fixation on what's wrong. Maybe if Olbermann found the 3 BEST people of the day every day he may actually see his ratings increase.
We need more inspirational stories every day. We need motivation that is positive. I challenge every reader here to find and share the person's story around you.
Let's share that America really is full of really good people.
He has a spot each night on his show itemizing the 3 worst people for the day. Usually he lists Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh somewhere in those 3 every day.
What amazes me is his daily pursuit of finding what is wrong with America. Maybe this is what is wrong with America - the fixation on what's wrong. Maybe if Olbermann found the 3 BEST people of the day every day he may actually see his ratings increase.
We need more inspirational stories every day. We need motivation that is positive. I challenge every reader here to find and share the person's story around you.
Let's share that America really is full of really good people.
Monday, August 31, 2009
How did that injury happen??
Recently, I wrote about the life of King David and how his entire life has been under a microscope ever since by people in the church.
There is one event in David’s life that I feel akin to. That would be the famous story of David’s confrontation with Goliath. David had no problem identifying who the enemy was. He stood nine feet tall and daily challenged the Israelites. David took the challenge and won. David knew where the enemy was, what he stood for, how he was armed, and what his intent was.
The problem was that David had an unexpected opposition also. That came from his own family. David had no idea that he had to watch his backside. His brothers made fun of him, ridiculing what he planned to do. Rather than doing the mission the brothers were there to do themselves, they instead attacked their youngest brother.
I sometimes feel like David in that situation. Let me make the comparisons. Am I doing what God wants done? No. Am I facing down the enemy, confident that I can defeat him in God’s strength? No. Am I being attacked from behind by my own compatriots? I feel like I am.
There is a saying that the Christian army is the only one that attacks its own wounded. That is me. I feel I have been attacked from behind and left to slowly expire. I wrote nearly six months ago how my church leadership failed me. Since then, every Sunday I dread attending church. I thought several years ago I could dress and heal my own wounds. I was so wrong!
Unfortunately, when you go to church and somebody asks “How are you?” doesn’t really expect an honest answer from you. You see, if you are an introvert in a very outgoing church you are lost to the background. You are not necessarily looked down upon, but become part of the wall decorations. Remember Milton from the movie “Office Space.” He was always the object of abuse from his co-workers. Sometimes I feel like that character at church. I don’t seek out a lot of conversation with people and so I become a lesser choice from others, if a choice at all. I’m not the pretty folk. I’m not of the folk with glamorous careers. I don’t live in chosen neighborhoods.
I realize this sounds like a self-pity party. And it probably is. And, of course, I’m the only guest in attendance. But, nonetheless, a Christian shouldn’t have to worry about injury from behind.
There is one event in David’s life that I feel akin to. That would be the famous story of David’s confrontation with Goliath. David had no problem identifying who the enemy was. He stood nine feet tall and daily challenged the Israelites. David took the challenge and won. David knew where the enemy was, what he stood for, how he was armed, and what his intent was.
The problem was that David had an unexpected opposition also. That came from his own family. David had no idea that he had to watch his backside. His brothers made fun of him, ridiculing what he planned to do. Rather than doing the mission the brothers were there to do themselves, they instead attacked their youngest brother.
I sometimes feel like David in that situation. Let me make the comparisons. Am I doing what God wants done? No. Am I facing down the enemy, confident that I can defeat him in God’s strength? No. Am I being attacked from behind by my own compatriots? I feel like I am.
There is a saying that the Christian army is the only one that attacks its own wounded. That is me. I feel I have been attacked from behind and left to slowly expire. I wrote nearly six months ago how my church leadership failed me. Since then, every Sunday I dread attending church. I thought several years ago I could dress and heal my own wounds. I was so wrong!
Unfortunately, when you go to church and somebody asks “How are you?” doesn’t really expect an honest answer from you. You see, if you are an introvert in a very outgoing church you are lost to the background. You are not necessarily looked down upon, but become part of the wall decorations. Remember Milton from the movie “Office Space.” He was always the object of abuse from his co-workers. Sometimes I feel like that character at church. I don’t seek out a lot of conversation with people and so I become a lesser choice from others, if a choice at all. I’m not the pretty folk. I’m not of the folk with glamorous careers. I don’t live in chosen neighborhoods.
I realize this sounds like a self-pity party. And it probably is. And, of course, I’m the only guest in attendance. But, nonetheless, a Christian shouldn’t have to worry about injury from behind.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Do you have any suggestions to make this blog more interesting (other than fire the author and owner) and viewed or recommended to more people? More color, less opinion, more advertising, less widgets, more sports, less ?????
I can handle criticism. It's the unspoken but critical stuff that I can't deal with.
Give me some ideas. I want this to be the first place people go to on the internet. I know my kids come here first already.
I can handle criticism. It's the unspoken but critical stuff that I can't deal with.
Give me some ideas. I want this to be the first place people go to on the internet. I know my kids come here first already.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Non -christian faith
Sometimes I really believe that people that say there is no God or ridicule those who do exhibit more faith in their lives than actual believers in God do. Let me explain.
Recently scientists have apparently discovered a basic element of life itself on a comet that passed near earth about five years ago.
Based on this small discovery, scientists can extrapolate that those "seeds of life" exist throughout the universe. They exist on comets travelling around the universe and land on planets, thereby planting life everywhere.
What it comes down to is that some of these scientists really believe that life on earth - all that we see around us, plants, trees, vegetables, fish, birds, and even humans - originated from the seeds of comets. These seeds evolved into a living planet. Accidental events that accidentally evolved into other events that evolved into other events that somehow evolved into humans capable of rational thought and animals that live and behave predictably. These people actually believe all of this can happen.
I believe that God was actively involved in creation. He knew what He was doing. Everything created with a natural purpose and behavior. That is really easy to believe. How He did it - I don't know. I don't care. I just know He did it and with amazing detail. There were no accidents or mistakes.
To believe that life was accidental events that came from space somewhere and resulted in what we have today really stretches logical reasoning. And it really begs the question - If life was actually piggybacking on comets, where did that comet pick up those elements? Some really want us to believe that it came from Mars. Ha!
What do you think? Tell me on the comments button below.
Recently scientists have apparently discovered a basic element of life itself on a comet that passed near earth about five years ago.
Based on this small discovery, scientists can extrapolate that those "seeds of life" exist throughout the universe. They exist on comets travelling around the universe and land on planets, thereby planting life everywhere.
What it comes down to is that some of these scientists really believe that life on earth - all that we see around us, plants, trees, vegetables, fish, birds, and even humans - originated from the seeds of comets. These seeds evolved into a living planet. Accidental events that accidentally evolved into other events that evolved into other events that somehow evolved into humans capable of rational thought and animals that live and behave predictably. These people actually believe all of this can happen.
I believe that God was actively involved in creation. He knew what He was doing. Everything created with a natural purpose and behavior. That is really easy to believe. How He did it - I don't know. I don't care. I just know He did it and with amazing detail. There were no accidents or mistakes.
To believe that life was accidental events that came from space somewhere and resulted in what we have today really stretches logical reasoning. And it really begs the question - If life was actually piggybacking on comets, where did that comet pick up those elements? Some really want us to believe that it came from Mars. Ha!
What do you think? Tell me on the comments button below.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Where is my money going?
Man, this will get you eyes spinning around. This site records the U. S. national debt in real time. While the numbers really speak for themselves, I believe the most significant numbers are in the last box - Unfunded liabilities. These numbers will have the greatest impact on the top box - debt.
Remember after Bush 43 was re-elected and wanted to look into reforming Social Security? The democrats went nuts successfully scaring the populace into thinking Bush would destroy the entitlement program. Yet, the inaction is doing more to destroy it. And the dems in charge know they won't be around for the meltdown. It's all about power NOW!
Remember after Bush 43 was re-elected and wanted to look into reforming Social Security? The democrats went nuts successfully scaring the populace into thinking Bush would destroy the entitlement program. Yet, the inaction is doing more to destroy it. And the dems in charge know they won't be around for the meltdown. It's all about power NOW!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Post Office is dissed by the President
Since I am currently an employee of the U.S. Postal Service, the President made an overwhelming proof that government should not be involved as a competitor as a provider of health care services.
The post office cannot compete with UPS and Fedex because of many factors. One, Congress likes to meddle in post office operations. Two, postal management is raised from within and possess little competitive business experience. Three, postal unions have an inordinate influence in basic business decision making. Four - and my last point, but not THE last point - is the general attitude of government employees that job is not directly tied to customer satisfaction.
I tried my best to do my best at work, but one out 700,000 can only do so much.
The post office cannot compete with UPS and Fedex because of many factors. One, Congress likes to meddle in post office operations. Two, postal management is raised from within and possess little competitive business experience. Three, postal unions have an inordinate influence in basic business decision making. Four - and my last point, but not THE last point - is the general attitude of government employees that job is not directly tied to customer satisfaction.
I tried my best to do my best at work, but one out 700,000 can only do so much.
If they wrote a book about me
In a men’s Bible study at my church, we recently concluded looking at the life of David the king. As any church member will tell you there have been several books written about the life of David. Various bible studies look at David from different perspectives. Big, thick books analyze his life, his emotions, his decision-making processes, his military prowess, and on and on.
What if David had been warned early in his life that his life would be the template for Christian living for thousands of years into the future? What might have been his response to that warning? Might he have behaved differently? And yet, his moniker has traditionally been “the man after God’s own heart.”
What if we knew our life might go under the societal microscope hundreds of years into the future? Would we live differently now? Would we even care?
I doubt it!
For millions of us, our legacies will extend to our children and probably grandchildren and that will be about it. Children today live for the present. Respect for older generations has virtually disappeared. My own children have little understanding of who my grandparents were.
Which brings me to: how will my legacy be viewed by my children and grandchildren? My legacy would be defined by my relationship with God and how I presented that to the world as a whole.
I know there will be no books or bible studies based on my life. Following generations will only know me based on the words of my children. What will they remember about me? I am sure there will be many bad examples, hopefully not vocalized. There are many never-to-be-spoken by me regrets that I wish I had done better as a father. My hope is that my children will only remember the good.
But, in case somebody does write a book about my life, I expect some profit from it. You don’t know what I have gone through to live this example.
What if David had been warned early in his life that his life would be the template for Christian living for thousands of years into the future? What might have been his response to that warning? Might he have behaved differently? And yet, his moniker has traditionally been “the man after God’s own heart.”
What if we knew our life might go under the societal microscope hundreds of years into the future? Would we live differently now? Would we even care?
I doubt it!
For millions of us, our legacies will extend to our children and probably grandchildren and that will be about it. Children today live for the present. Respect for older generations has virtually disappeared. My own children have little understanding of who my grandparents were.
Which brings me to: how will my legacy be viewed by my children and grandchildren? My legacy would be defined by my relationship with God and how I presented that to the world as a whole.
I know there will be no books or bible studies based on my life. Following generations will only know me based on the words of my children. What will they remember about me? I am sure there will be many bad examples, hopefully not vocalized. There are many never-to-be-spoken by me regrets that I wish I had done better as a father. My hope is that my children will only remember the good.
But, in case somebody does write a book about my life, I expect some profit from it. You don’t know what I have gone through to live this example.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Is the government right subsidizing new car purchases?
Oh my goodness, the democrats say that the “Cash for Clunkers” auto purchase program has been so successful demonstrated by the fact the program has been suspended because it was about to run out of money.
What makes this so interesting is not that the government is giving away money, but that people really do want to buy new cars. The problem – up to this point – has been the high prices of new cars. Also is the fact that I’m helping somebody else buy a car. What do I get out of this? Oops, I probably shouldn’t ask that. That may be considered un-American.
Anyway, the real success about this program is the proof that people are willing to buy new cars at the right price. The auto makers – and the unions – need to realize that their products will sell when the buying public feels they are getting a fair deal. Macroeconomics has the basic graph that demonstrates that products will sell at the intersection of supply and demand. When outside forces get involved, the intersection goes haywire.
So all of this proves that there is money out there waiting to be spent. Purchasers are looking for value. This should be a lesson not only for automakers, but for all retailers. Fast food restaurants probably understand this better than any.
The government should not expand the "Cash for Clunkers" because it does more to upset the free market than help. And I didn't get a car out of it either.
What makes this so interesting is not that the government is giving away money, but that people really do want to buy new cars. The problem – up to this point – has been the high prices of new cars. Also is the fact that I’m helping somebody else buy a car. What do I get out of this? Oops, I probably shouldn’t ask that. That may be considered un-American.
Anyway, the real success about this program is the proof that people are willing to buy new cars at the right price. The auto makers – and the unions – need to realize that their products will sell when the buying public feels they are getting a fair deal. Macroeconomics has the basic graph that demonstrates that products will sell at the intersection of supply and demand. When outside forces get involved, the intersection goes haywire.
So all of this proves that there is money out there waiting to be spent. Purchasers are looking for value. This should be a lesson not only for automakers, but for all retailers. Fast food restaurants probably understand this better than any.
The government should not expand the "Cash for Clunkers" because it does more to upset the free market than help. And I didn't get a car out of it either.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Baseball funtime
Sometimes you just need something funny. The way my Cincinnati Reds are playing right now (vertical nosedive) I know that I need something funny. Sometimes the classics are the funniest. This is definitely one of them.
Planned Parenthood will make money again next year - from you!
Friday, Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana offered an amendment to an appropriations bill that would have eliminated all government funding for Planned Parenthood for the next fiscal year. That amendment was defeated along near party lines.
Of course, Planned Parenthood claims that their organization is more involved in family planning education nationwide than actually providing abortion services. Remember that this is the organization that has had several video recorded incidents of allegedly illegally “advising” clients to possibly lie about their ages. At least one incident was here in Indiana.
This action is another indication that the current Congress has every intent to move elective abortions into national health care. I suspect that before this issue is concluded Congress will not only include taxpayer paid abortions, but there will also be no opt-out provision for providers. Doctors, nurses, and medical facilities will be required to offer abortion services. (“Services” – what irony in that choice of words!)
Of course, Planned Parenthood claims that their organization is more involved in family planning education nationwide than actually providing abortion services. Remember that this is the organization that has had several video recorded incidents of allegedly illegally “advising” clients to possibly lie about their ages. At least one incident was here in Indiana.
This action is another indication that the current Congress has every intent to move elective abortions into national health care. I suspect that before this issue is concluded Congress will not only include taxpayer paid abortions, but there will also be no opt-out provision for providers. Doctors, nurses, and medical facilities will be required to offer abortion services. (“Services” – what irony in that choice of words!)
Monday, July 20, 2009
Apollo 11

As others are commemorating the 40th anniversary of man on the moon, I will, yes, give my little tribute.
I was 13 years old watching the events on a black and white TV. Fortunately for me the broadcast from the moon also was in B&W. But I was just a kid watching with my own fascination. I was rabid following the progress of NASA. I was constantly sending away for the latest information on research and design at the various locations around the country. There was no internet access, I actually had to send a letter through the US mail to receive info back in the mail. I copied articles out of the local newspapers. I still have much of this original information. I made my own models of the various rockets from kits. But probably the best part of my collections were the astronaut photos I got. Forget sports heros. I still have an autographed photo of astronaut Dick Gordon (Apollo 12). No relation to me, but it was neat to think about it.
I could walk almost anybody through mission agendas as if I were the one that wrote it. I knew where they landed on the moon and talk about what they were doing in that location. Other kids had earth globes, I had a moon globe. I had wall maps. My science fair projects were recreating space flight.
But it comes down to the fact that American ingenuity and determination accomplished this feat. There were the human losses. Americans did it. We had a goal bigger - and better - than ourselves.
That is what is needed today.
Pro-life will pay for abortions under Obama
The health care debate intensifies.
The White House and Congressional leaders are saying that the bills that have passed so far that it is a work in progress and we should not be concerned about the details until the final bill is up for vote.
Unfortunately, from my perspective, it is way too late to try and modify/kill any proposals when we get to the final vote.
For any Christians that calls themselves pro-life, it is time to prepare yoruselves for a true gut check. Legislation that has passed out of committee (not signed into law yet) includes REQUIREMENTS TO PAY FOR ABORTIONS! The White House has also said that federal funding for abortions is still a possibility and "on the table."
This is obviously a political payment to abortion supporters from the Democratic party. But pro-life people will now be obligated to pay to unborn babies through their tax dollars.
Don't think nationalized health care is a savior program handed from the government. This is a major power grab of our individual liberties by the federal government. Write to Senator Lugar and Senator Bayh and let them know this HAS TO STOP!
The White House and Congressional leaders are saying that the bills that have passed so far that it is a work in progress and we should not be concerned about the details until the final bill is up for vote.
Unfortunately, from my perspective, it is way too late to try and modify/kill any proposals when we get to the final vote.
For any Christians that calls themselves pro-life, it is time to prepare yoruselves for a true gut check. Legislation that has passed out of committee (not signed into law yet) includes REQUIREMENTS TO PAY FOR ABORTIONS! The White House has also said that federal funding for abortions is still a possibility and "on the table."
This is obviously a political payment to abortion supporters from the Democratic party. But pro-life people will now be obligated to pay to unborn babies through their tax dollars.
Don't think nationalized health care is a savior program handed from the government. This is a major power grab of our individual liberties by the federal government. Write to Senator Lugar and Senator Bayh and let them know this HAS TO STOP!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Entitlement spending
I am just amazed by the Democrats in control of Congress. They say national health care costs must be contained by the government or those costs will destroy the US economy.
Yet, 5 years ago, President Bush wanted to reign in costs of entitlements - specifically Social Security - the Democrats said there was no problem. Bush wanted to allow for more personalized control of Social Security benefits through individual accounts.
(And we could post so many more demonstrations of stupid dem videos)
If Congress is unwilling or incapable of controllong current obligations, how do we really expect them to reallistically control costs in a new entitlement program??
If Congress retains control of Congress after the 2010 elections, then our children deserve our stupidity.
Yet, 5 years ago, President Bush wanted to reign in costs of entitlements - specifically Social Security - the Democrats said there was no problem. Bush wanted to allow for more personalized control of Social Security benefits through individual accounts.
(And we could post so many more demonstrations of stupid dem videos)
If Congress is unwilling or incapable of controllong current obligations, how do we really expect them to reallistically control costs in a new entitlement program??
If Congress retains control of Congress after the 2010 elections, then our children deserve our stupidity.
Friday, June 26, 2009
I told you so!!
As I wrote on June 16th, I raised the issue of taxing employee paid health benefits by democrats. "So where is the opposition now??? Nowhere to be found. What are the unions receiving to keep quiet?" Well, they are receiving something.
The Senate Democrats are officially proposing to exempt union-negotiated health benefits from inclusion as taxable income in the future. This is the payoff. Congressional dems may not be able to change the law regarding union organizing, but they are protecting union members, while non-union employees are penalized. The result: unions can make it look as if it is profitable to be a union member - members don't have to pay taxes on health benefits.
Union membership in the U.S. is obviously on the decline - except in goverment - and unions are trying to reverse the trend. The highest level was in 1979 at 21.2% and 2003 had a level of 11.5%.
Congress is coming up with more and more opportunities to take money from us to spend the way they feel is more appropriate.
If you haven't died yet, you should be upset about the way government at all levels are trying to take more of our money to fund their desires.
The Senate Democrats are officially proposing to exempt union-negotiated health benefits from inclusion as taxable income in the future. This is the payoff. Congressional dems may not be able to change the law regarding union organizing, but they are protecting union members, while non-union employees are penalized. The result: unions can make it look as if it is profitable to be a union member - members don't have to pay taxes on health benefits.
Union membership in the U.S. is obviously on the decline - except in goverment - and unions are trying to reverse the trend. The highest level was in 1979 at 21.2% and 2003 had a level of 11.5%.
Congress is coming up with more and more opportunities to take money from us to spend the way they feel is more appropriate.
If you haven't died yet, you should be upset about the way government at all levels are trying to take more of our money to fund their desires.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Federal government dictionary
The federal government uses a dictionary that only they write...they make up the definitions.
When the average American sits down at the kitchen table to see how far this week's paycheck will go. We define "pay as you go" as pay until the money runs out. Seems logical. Can't spend what you don't have.
But in the Washington dictionary PAYGO has a very different definition. It says that you can only spend a dollar in a new appropriation that has been deleted from a different appropriation. Deficit spending is still very much active. The president tries to make it sound like he's spending responsibly, when in fact the annual deficit of the federal budget continues.
The unfortunate problem is that the federal dictionary does not come in printed form. Otherwise somebody may be held accountable. Remaining unprinted allows for a flexible definition. Always changing. Always changing. Always changing.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
My special Father's Day
Well, here it is Father's Day 2009. I have been blessed with four wonderful children. I am really thankful how healthy and "normal" they are as can be expected. Now it is exciting to see each one moving out (of the house especially) into their career fields of choice.
What probably makes this Father's Day special to me is how special my "added" kids have made me feel. Even though my 2 daughters-in-law have probably had less than perfect childhood experiences - and I am not speaking ill of their fathers - yet they have made me feel very special in their lives. They have made feel like I am their own dad.
Thanks girls!
What probably makes this Father's Day special to me is how special my "added" kids have made me feel. Even though my 2 daughters-in-law have probably had less than perfect childhood experiences - and I am not speaking ill of their fathers - yet they have made me feel very special in their lives. They have made feel like I am their own dad.
Thanks girls!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
nationalized health care will fail
As has been the trend so far for the Obama administration, every issue must be resolved now! It not really is the fact that these issues necessitate resolution now, but rather, that with the democrats in charge Congress & the White House have the ideal opportunity to reshape America into their perceived ideal.
Now the issue is health care. Millions of Americans are without health insurance and this is causing horrendous effects on the overall economy (their perception – not mine). Major reformations must be enacted into law before the end of the year. Probably before Americans can see what is in the law and stand opposed to it.
Yet, I do believe that the idea of having the government in charge of health care will be a massive mistake. I would like to show a few examples why.
Probably the best example of government mismanagement is the United States Postal Service. Now if you know me, you know that I have been employed by this agency for the past 30 years. Even though the agency really is poorly managed – and all of the unions have a hand in this – that is secondary to why this agency is so badly run. This agency is a favorite target of Congress. They like to name postal facilities after themselves. If unneeded facilities are closed, that would result in fewer facilities to put congressional names on. Second, this agency is one of few that really is a money maker for Congress. The post office does not receive money from Congress, but rather adds money to Congress. Under the 2006 reorganization law, the USPS must contribute money for future USPS retirees’ health insurance costs. The post office is going broke primarily because of this obligation. But, individual congressmen like to meddle in USPS operations. USPS has tried to close unnecessary facilities and the unions have picketed against the closing – even though the employees will still have a job, although at another location – and congressmen have tried to meddle in these closures to preserve jobs in their respective districts. What a bunch of idiots. (Just like Barney Frank meddled in the GM bankruptcy – got a proposed facility slated to be closed suddenly reopened!) If Congress has the occasion to insert themselves into something to gain favor, well……
There is one irony in the potential for the funding to insure the few. Those of us that currently have health insurance and share the premium with our employers may soon be considered as taxable income. Currently, and since time began, employee share of insurance premiums has never been considered as taxable income. “Senate Democrats said a wide variety of issues were discussed with Obama, including providing a public health insurance plan option in a reform package and whether to begin taxing some portion of the value of employer-sponsored health insurance.” This idea was buried in John McCain’s campaign platform. At that time unions were dead set against that idea. McCain apparently proposed to include health care premiums as taxable income, as reported by the AFL-CIO. So where is the opposition now??? Nowhere to be found. What are the unions receiving to keep quiet??
So it comes down to this…if congressmen get their hands into health care management of any kind will result in an absolute failure.
Now the issue is health care. Millions of Americans are without health insurance and this is causing horrendous effects on the overall economy (their perception – not mine). Major reformations must be enacted into law before the end of the year. Probably before Americans can see what is in the law and stand opposed to it.
Yet, I do believe that the idea of having the government in charge of health care will be a massive mistake. I would like to show a few examples why.
Probably the best example of government mismanagement is the United States Postal Service. Now if you know me, you know that I have been employed by this agency for the past 30 years. Even though the agency really is poorly managed – and all of the unions have a hand in this – that is secondary to why this agency is so badly run. This agency is a favorite target of Congress. They like to name postal facilities after themselves. If unneeded facilities are closed, that would result in fewer facilities to put congressional names on. Second, this agency is one of few that really is a money maker for Congress. The post office does not receive money from Congress, but rather adds money to Congress. Under the 2006 reorganization law, the USPS must contribute money for future USPS retirees’ health insurance costs. The post office is going broke primarily because of this obligation. But, individual congressmen like to meddle in USPS operations. USPS has tried to close unnecessary facilities and the unions have picketed against the closing – even though the employees will still have a job, although at another location – and congressmen have tried to meddle in these closures to preserve jobs in their respective districts. What a bunch of idiots. (Just like Barney Frank meddled in the GM bankruptcy – got a proposed facility slated to be closed suddenly reopened!) If Congress has the occasion to insert themselves into something to gain favor, well……
There is one irony in the potential for the funding to insure the few. Those of us that currently have health insurance and share the premium with our employers may soon be considered as taxable income. Currently, and since time began, employee share of insurance premiums has never been considered as taxable income. “Senate Democrats said a wide variety of issues were discussed with Obama, including providing a public health insurance plan option in a reform package and whether to begin taxing some portion of the value of employer-sponsored health insurance.” This idea was buried in John McCain’s campaign platform. At that time unions were dead set against that idea. McCain apparently proposed to include health care premiums as taxable income, as reported by the AFL-CIO. So where is the opposition now??? Nowhere to be found. What are the unions receiving to keep quiet??
So it comes down to this…if congressmen get their hands into health care management of any kind will result in an absolute failure.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Inspiriration of Hope
It's been 30 LONG years since Ronald Reagan became a candidate for the Presidency before finally winning. It really seems hard to believe it was that long ago. At that time the economy was literally in the toilet. Double digit unemployment, double digit inflation on goods and services, and double digit rates on home mortgages. In the nation of Iran, Americans were being held hostage.
Candidate Reagan brought a refreshing attitude of self-reliance. He encouraged Americans not to depend on the government, but depend on self and family. Even though he said that government was the problem, there was an appropriate place in America for government. He moved well beyond class division. He lowered income taxes for all Americans, resulting in increased revenues for the government. He embraced economist Arthur Laffer's curve when nobody else would.
Former Florida governor Jeb Bush seems to think that Republicans should get over their sentimentality of Reagan. I think that is so wrong! We need to bring back Reagan and introduce him to a new generation. A generation that never has had the privilege of knowing him.
Below is a Reagan speech spliced together from several other speeches. It is obvious of what was made, but it sure does address the problems of today's current events. Sit back and enjoy this.
Candidate Reagan brought a refreshing attitude of self-reliance. He encouraged Americans not to depend on the government, but depend on self and family. Even though he said that government was the problem, there was an appropriate place in America for government. He moved well beyond class division. He lowered income taxes for all Americans, resulting in increased revenues for the government. He embraced economist Arthur Laffer's curve when nobody else would.
Former Florida governor Jeb Bush seems to think that Republicans should get over their sentimentality of Reagan. I think that is so wrong! We need to bring back Reagan and introduce him to a new generation. A generation that never has had the privilege of knowing him.
Below is a Reagan speech spliced together from several other speeches. It is obvious of what was made, but it sure does address the problems of today's current events. Sit back and enjoy this.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Sometimes I get into a masochistic mood and I …..
watch MSNBC evening talk shows. Sick isn’t it??
Well, anyway, it is a shame to watch Keith Olbermann and what he does to himself. I feel sorry for him because he really is quite an articulate speaker. He has a larger than average vocabulary. He is professional. (He formerly was an announcer on ESPN.)
Yet, the problem is not so much that he is a flaming, bleeding heart liberal, but that his diatribes are more about himself. He wants you to know he has a superior intellect – more than any conservative. I think he does all of this out of a deep-seated frustration. Because his show is so lowly rated. He is scheduled against Bill O’Reilly and Nancy Grace. Looking at the numbers below show how few people really care to listen to him nationally.
THURS., MAY 29, 2009
FOXNEWS BECK 2,009,000
FOXNEWS SHEP 1,787,000
MSNBC MADDOW 1,029,000
CNN COOPER 852,000
K.O. does have the hope that once Obama does away with Fox Network, he will be able dominate the 8 pm network ratings.
watch MSNBC evening talk shows. Sick isn’t it??
Well, anyway, it is a shame to watch Keith Olbermann and what he does to himself. I feel sorry for him because he really is quite an articulate speaker. He has a larger than average vocabulary. He is professional. (He formerly was an announcer on ESPN.)
Yet, the problem is not so much that he is a flaming, bleeding heart liberal, but that his diatribes are more about himself. He wants you to know he has a superior intellect – more than any conservative. I think he does all of this out of a deep-seated frustration. Because his show is so lowly rated. He is scheduled against Bill O’Reilly and Nancy Grace. Looking at the numbers below show how few people really care to listen to him nationally.
THURS., MAY 29, 2009
FOXNEWS BECK 2,009,000
FOXNEWS SHEP 1,787,000
MSNBC MADDOW 1,029,000
CNN COOPER 852,000
K.O. does have the hope that once Obama does away with Fox Network, he will be able dominate the 8 pm network ratings.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The evolution of man - again and again and again...
The newly refurbished Hubble Telescope will now be able to peer deeper iinto the depths of the universe. As described, it will be able to see millions of years back into time. The idea is that based on the speed of light and the distance that light must travel to our vision on earth means that that light must have left its source millions of years ago. Based on that calculation, our universe must be even older than that.
Recently, a discovery was made that took 2 years to reveal to the gener
al public. A new fossil has surfaced that most likely again "proves" that man came from lower animal species. I'm sorry - well, really I'm not - but I did not evolve from some multi-celled creature that climbed out of the primordial soup. I believe that God put fossils into His creation just to confound the "brilliant" scientists. I believe that in God's sense of humor He did this just prove the ignorance of man (see Romans 1:18-23).

By connecting the creation of mankind to the evoutionary process from other life forms disconnects man from the Creator. By disconnecting man from his Creator allows man to elevate himself to god.
As man then becomes god, he can begin to determine life and death choices originally left to the Creator. The literal life and death choices. Who lives, who dies, and when. First, death before birth, then assisted end of life, then death at the moment of birth. Soon, health care decisions will be made based on the quality of life. Who has the most value to contribute to society as a whole.
I did not evolve from animals (although my Mom may say that I acted like one, at times) and I will not have an imperfect "god" determining my value to society.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
My son, the serviceman
Along the theme of respect for the military.... My son is a member of the US Air Force. Don't ask me what he does, I've never understood, but I have seen some of the stuff he works with and that is good for me! Anyway, he is another member of the ALL-VOLUNTEER military. Here he is being sworn in by the Number 1 pilot from the Air Force Thunderbirds (far right enlistee). He has served 12 years. I am proud of him.
In Memorium

This weekend is the Memorial Day. I cannot begin to express my great respect that I have for former and present members of the military and the duty they perform.
Since the age of the Vietnam era, the liberals in the United States have taken an exceptionally high level of animosity, anger, hatred for the military. They complain about the killing they perform, when required. They want to use the military as a social services agency.
Yet, today's members of the military are far more selfless when you consider they are ALL volunteers. While I am not a fan of the premise of the movie "A Few Good Men," the statement made by Colonel Jessup:
Col. Jessep: Son, we live in a world that has walls and those walls need to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lieutenant Weinberg? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago and curse the Marines; you have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know: that Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives and that my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use then as the backbone of a life trying to defend something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said "thank you," and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest that you pick up a weapon and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to.
Soldiers are trained to kill. Yes, kill. I want them on that wall. They VOLUNTEER to be on that wall. And because of all of that, they deserve our greatest respect. The ultimate respect is paid at Arlington National Cemetery. If you ever have the chance to visit the Tomb of the Unknowns - take it! It is an awesome presentation of respect.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Photos of Americans torturing
It is very odd that President Obama has reversed a previous decision to publish photos regarding supposed torture of detainees by Americans. During the presidential campaign last year he was all for it. Now he opposes it. Why??
The public rationalization for this turnaround is rationalized that American soldiers may be put closer to harm apparently caused by Muslim indignance. True - some Muslims may be upset and motivated to cause Americans harm based on these photos. But I don't think that the President is really that concerned about military personnel safety.
But the President does think that it is appropriate to show the remains of dead soldiers as they are returned to the United States. No need to worry about shaming them is the apparent mindset.
I believe he is more concerned about his appearance next month in Cairo, Egypt. It is anticipated to be a major speech to Muslims. How can he maintain his high international approval if photos are published of Americans torturing Muslims?? This is a decision of self-concern instead of military protection.
The public rationalization for this turnaround is rationalized that American soldiers may be put closer to harm apparently caused by Muslim indignance. True - some Muslims may be upset and motivated to cause Americans harm based on these photos. But I don't think that the President is really that concerned about military personnel safety.
But the President does think that it is appropriate to show the remains of dead soldiers as they are returned to the United States. No need to worry about shaming them is the apparent mindset.
I believe he is more concerned about his appearance next month in Cairo, Egypt. It is anticipated to be a major speech to Muslims. How can he maintain his high international approval if photos are published of Americans torturing Muslims?? This is a decision of self-concern instead of military protection.
Friday, May 8, 2009
My weight loss program
I have to admit that I am a fan of the movie "Blazing Saddles." It first came out when I finished high school. (Showing my age.) When it comes on TV I try to watch it when I can. My wife prefers that I don't.
Well, now, I have scientific evidence that I need to watch the movie for the sake of my health. RealAge, a website that advises on health issues, has said that watching "Blazing Saddles" could help me lose weight. You can see the information here. Now I can watch the movie in confidence that I am doing this for my overall health.
For those of you that are politically-correct, don't watch this. If you need an opportunity to lose a few ounces, watch this:
Well, now, I have scientific evidence that I need to watch the movie for the sake of my health. RealAge, a website that advises on health issues, has said that watching "Blazing Saddles" could help me lose weight. You can see the information here. Now I can watch the movie in confidence that I am doing this for my overall health.
For those of you that are politically-correct, don't watch this. If you need an opportunity to lose a few ounces, watch this:
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
My ministry is...
A couple of weeks ago my wife attended a seminar entitled "Live Life Love Work." From a Christian perspective, the idea was that we should consider our job more as a ministry. As much as I don't really like my own job right now, the concept is correct.
We really should perceive our jobs more than just a job, but also an opportunity to minister to somebody else. God required from the beginning that mankind was required to work. Unfortunately, today we perceive that ministry work has a boundary line. The idea exists that full time ordained ministers perform "ministry" work and the rest of us do "work." Well, that is so wrong!
While I agree the premise of the above mentioned seminar, I also believe that as Christians God has enabled us through skills and desires to perform duties throughout the total workforce.
My belief is that young Christians should be encouraged to view career choices made with the driving motivation to infiltrate career fields to put a Christian emphasis on it. For example, a young person pursuing a career in news reporting (print or video) should consider how to impact journalism with high integrity. Eventually, these young people will assume higher positions of responsibility. Career fields - such as education, nursing, accounting, or even the military - should eventually be led by Christians.
Not only would career fields have a higher level of integrity of professionalism, but also a much-needed idea of the employer/supervisor as treating the employee fairly and respectfully.
So much more can be done to influence today's culture through the workplace. (How many christians have done just the opposite?) We really need to encourage young people that work is honorable and a ministry to God and man. No longer should ministry be restricted only to the church.
We really should perceive our jobs more than just a job, but also an opportunity to minister to somebody else. God required from the beginning that mankind was required to work. Unfortunately, today we perceive that ministry work has a boundary line. The idea exists that full time ordained ministers perform "ministry" work and the rest of us do "work." Well, that is so wrong!
While I agree the premise of the above mentioned seminar, I also believe that as Christians God has enabled us through skills and desires to perform duties throughout the total workforce.
My belief is that young Christians should be encouraged to view career choices made with the driving motivation to infiltrate career fields to put a Christian emphasis on it. For example, a young person pursuing a career in news reporting (print or video) should consider how to impact journalism with high integrity. Eventually, these young people will assume higher positions of responsibility. Career fields - such as education, nursing, accounting, or even the military - should eventually be led by Christians.
Not only would career fields have a higher level of integrity of professionalism, but also a much-needed idea of the employer/supervisor as treating the employee fairly and respectfully.
So much more can be done to influence today's culture through the workplace. (How many christians have done just the opposite?) We really need to encourage young people that work is honorable and a ministry to God and man. No longer should ministry be restricted only to the church.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I'm baaaack
Sorry, I have been gone for awhile. Surgery removed my gall bladder. I'm feeling much better now.
I should have some interesting posts in the next few days.
Stay tuned! Please! Maybe even tell somebody else about this site.
I should have some interesting posts in the next few days.
Stay tuned! Please! Maybe even tell somebody else about this site.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
No need for a birth certificate

Finally! I get the recognition from the federal government that I so deserve! You too can get your personalized copy by clicking here.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
What comes around...
Earth Day
April 22nd will be the thirty-ninth observance of Earth Day. As many people around the world will take time to focus on many of the benefits this planet provides us and our need to responsibly care for the planet, I would also like to take this opportunity to praise the planet.
I am thankful for the science of the planet that first of all gives us the law of gravity. Even though the rotational spin of the earth should throw us off of the earth’s surface, we can depend on that fact that we can stand and move about securely, knowing that the law of gravity is uniformly in effect.
I am thankful for the four seasons and their predictable characteristics. (I suppose you could include Frankie Valli with this.)
I am thankful that when a farmer plants a seed of corn into the ground this spring that come autumn he will harvest corn. That corn seed will ALWAYS produce corn - not wheat, carrots, or a whale. We can depend on the science of genetics.
I am thankful for the consistent process of the water cycle. Additionally, the ocean currents help to moderate planet temperatures.
I am thankful for the consistency in the properties of light. This not only affects sunlight on the earth, but also such related uses as electricity and radio.
I am thankful for the complexity of the human body and the fact that organs function similarly from person to person.
Yet, some people think that all of this uniformity, predictability, and complexity on this planet just happened! Cataclysmically, way back in time this happened and out of absolute randomness all of this has developed into what we have today. Does this really make any logical sense? To think that all of this just happened is to believe that an explosion at a print shop would result in an exhaustive dictionary of the English language or that a pile of minerals would purposefully combine unaided to form a top of the line General Motors product.
There was a Creator that started all of this. He continues to be intimately involved in His creation. He gave us the planet for our use. We are not here as servants to the planet. We need to be wise as caretakers of the planet. Jesus Christ gives us life, not this planet.
I am thankful for the science of the planet that first of all gives us the law of gravity. Even though the rotational spin of the earth should throw us off of the earth’s surface, we can depend on that fact that we can stand and move about securely, knowing that the law of gravity is uniformly in effect.
I am thankful for the four seasons and their predictable characteristics. (I suppose you could include Frankie Valli with this.)
I am thankful that when a farmer plants a seed of corn into the ground this spring that come autumn he will harvest corn. That corn seed will ALWAYS produce corn - not wheat, carrots, or a whale. We can depend on the science of genetics.
I am thankful for the consistent process of the water cycle. Additionally, the ocean currents help to moderate planet temperatures.
I am thankful for the consistency in the properties of light. This not only affects sunlight on the earth, but also such related uses as electricity and radio.
I am thankful for the complexity of the human body and the fact that organs function similarly from person to person.
Yet, some people think that all of this uniformity, predictability, and complexity on this planet just happened! Cataclysmically, way back in time this happened and out of absolute randomness all of this has developed into what we have today. Does this really make any logical sense? To think that all of this just happened is to believe that an explosion at a print shop would result in an exhaustive dictionary of the English language or that a pile of minerals would purposefully combine unaided to form a top of the line General Motors product.
There was a Creator that started all of this. He continues to be intimately involved in His creation. He gave us the planet for our use. We are not here as servants to the planet. We need to be wise as caretakers of the planet. Jesus Christ gives us life, not this planet.
Monday, April 13, 2009
The typical stupidity of the left
A new program is being run out to discourage middle school age kids to stop smoking in the Fort Wayne IN area. The idea is that kids can be taught that there is a better way.
It's just 10 days into the new year and already an estimated 40,000 youths, ages 12 to 17, have tried their first cigarette. At year's end, more than 1,100 of the 1.5 million young people who will try smoking for the first time this year will become daily cigarette users, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.A new program, The Butt Stops Here, at McMillen Center for Health Education is aimed at preventing middle school students from taking that first puff. Research shows middle school age is now the most common period in which a boy or girl will try tobacco for the first time…..“It is never as good as being right in the same room with the students but having (the IVC classes) is better than not getting the information to students at all,” Ward said.He is especially concerned about tobacco use among younger and younger students and has a variety of props and information to show students novel marketing strategies that tobacco companies are using to woo younger consumers, from flavored products to youth-oriented packaging. The Fort Wayne News-Sentinel 4/12/2009
For decades, students involved in sports are encouraged – taught – to exceed average, in other words find that capability within yourself to excel. It may take giving up other hobbies, free time, useless activities, and so on.
When it comes to these activities it is possible to teach – and expect – young people to overcome natural mediocrity to achieve better. Yet when it comes to teaching youth about sex, the current President and his supporters believe that youth do not have the capacity to abstain from sexual activity until marriage. And because of that, all school abstinence programs will no longer receive federal funding.
There is absolutely no logic in their reasoning. They will have no hesitation supporting the other personal performance programs. Yet when it comes to sex, they think kids cannot exhibit self-control. Teach the kids “responsible” behavior. They can never actually control themselves or achieve higher personal performance.
It comes down to money and morals. One of the strongest opponents to abstinence programs – Planned Parenthood – receives multimillion dollar federal funding. They have already been caught in illegal advice giving in some of their clinics.
This is one more example of the sheer idiocy of this administration.
It's just 10 days into the new year and already an estimated 40,000 youths, ages 12 to 17, have tried their first cigarette. At year's end, more than 1,100 of the 1.5 million young people who will try smoking for the first time this year will become daily cigarette users, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.A new program, The Butt Stops Here, at McMillen Center for Health Education is aimed at preventing middle school students from taking that first puff. Research shows middle school age is now the most common period in which a boy or girl will try tobacco for the first time…..“It is never as good as being right in the same room with the students but having (the IVC classes) is better than not getting the information to students at all,” Ward said.He is especially concerned about tobacco use among younger and younger students and has a variety of props and information to show students novel marketing strategies that tobacco companies are using to woo younger consumers, from flavored products to youth-oriented packaging. The Fort Wayne News-Sentinel 4/12/2009
For decades, students involved in sports are encouraged – taught – to exceed average, in other words find that capability within yourself to excel. It may take giving up other hobbies, free time, useless activities, and so on.
When it comes to these activities it is possible to teach – and expect – young people to overcome natural mediocrity to achieve better. Yet when it comes to teaching youth about sex, the current President and his supporters believe that youth do not have the capacity to abstain from sexual activity until marriage. And because of that, all school abstinence programs will no longer receive federal funding.
There is absolutely no logic in their reasoning. They will have no hesitation supporting the other personal performance programs. Yet when it comes to sex, they think kids cannot exhibit self-control. Teach the kids “responsible” behavior. They can never actually control themselves or achieve higher personal performance.
It comes down to money and morals. One of the strongest opponents to abstinence programs – Planned Parenthood – receives multimillion dollar federal funding. They have already been caught in illegal advice giving in some of their clinics.
This is one more example of the sheer idiocy of this administration.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
The "New" General Motors
Airport visit
This past weekend I had the pleasure of visiting my adult sons in another state. (Why they moved away from beautiful New Haven IN is beyond me) When I arrived at Fort Wayne International Airport and experienced the familiarity of TSA, I then headed to my gate on the upper level. At that point I realized a past experience long gone. Standing at the windows and seeing all of the runways in front of me, airplane enthusiasts no longer may go to the airport and just watch the airplanes takeoff and land. Off in the distance is the 122nd Wing of the Air National Guard with several F-16s sitting on the flight line (soon to be replaced with A-10s). Those are neat to watch!
If the airport really wanted to attract patrons back to the airport, they should provide an observation area. An area that is secure, not subject to the TSA, and has a convenient view of the major runways. (It could also put more parking revenue in their pockets).
If the airport really wanted to attract patrons back to the airport, they should provide an observation area. An area that is secure, not subject to the TSA, and has a convenient view of the major runways. (It could also put more parking revenue in their pockets).
Monday, March 30, 2009
Days gone by might be coming back
As a former Camaro owner, this video brings back a sense of pride and a better day gone by. Unfortunately, I don't think this competition will actually happen after what happened to General Motors today.
The Role of a Dad
In the movie "Grease" there is a scene where Frenchie is talking with Sandy and she makes the comment that "nobody can love a girl like her daddy." I have continually tried to convince my daughter of that for years and I think she has believed that until this year. Apparently she thinks there is some guy on campus that loves her more. Hopefully, she will always remember that her daddy loves her more than any other man can in her life.
But it's the same for sons also. Just displayed differently.
As I have described before, dads are marginalized in the popular media. I believe just the opposite. I think that dads are important to the development of making boys into men and girls into ladies.
Under the women's liberation movement, social roles and identities have been seriously harmed. Men became more feminized and women were masculinized.
Dads have the obligation to teach their sons that they have the duty to stand by their family to provide, protect, and love. Men are to be leaders. Not dictators, but leaders. They also have the duty to treat women as ladies. Respect, courtesy, love, put her on a pedestal.
Also, dads have the responsibility to teach a girl to be a lady. He should model to her how he treats his wife. He should instill in her that she should expect that type of treatment from her eventual boyfriends. Moms teach daughters the "how-to" of being feminine. But I believe dads have a MAJOR role in teaching daughters how to be a lady.
Dads are important to the stability of the family.
But it's the same for sons also. Just displayed differently.
As I have described before, dads are marginalized in the popular media. I believe just the opposite. I think that dads are important to the development of making boys into men and girls into ladies.
Under the women's liberation movement, social roles and identities have been seriously harmed. Men became more feminized and women were masculinized.
Dads have the obligation to teach their sons that they have the duty to stand by their family to provide, protect, and love. Men are to be leaders. Not dictators, but leaders. They also have the duty to treat women as ladies. Respect, courtesy, love, put her on a pedestal.
Also, dads have the responsibility to teach a girl to be a lady. He should model to her how he treats his wife. He should instill in her that she should expect that type of treatment from her eventual boyfriends. Moms teach daughters the "how-to" of being feminine. But I believe dads have a MAJOR role in teaching daughters how to be a lady.
Dads are important to the stability of the family.
Friday, March 27, 2009
How Fights Start
Lasting marriages really depend on humor to get them through the rough times. Thanks to my daughter-in-law (and hopefully these situations aren't based on my son) the following will help you get through today.
How Fights Start --------------------------------
My wife sat down on the couch next to me as I was flipping channels.
She asked, 'What's on TV?'
I said, 'Dust.'
And then the fight started...
I took my wife to a restaurant. The waiter, for some reason, took my order first.
"I'll have the strip steak, medium rare, please."
He said, "Aren't you worried about the mad cow?""
Nah, she can order for herself."
And then the fight started...
I asked my wife, "Where do you want to go for our anniversary? "
It warmed my heart to see her face melt in sweet appreciation.
"Somewhere I haven't been in a long time!" she said.
So I suggested, "How about the kitchen?"
And that's when the fight started....
After retiring, I went to the Social Security office to apply for Social
Security. The woman behind the counter asked me for my driver's
license to verify my age. I looked in my pockets and realized I had
left my wallet at home. I told the woman that I was very sorry, but I
would have to go home and come back later. The woman said, 'Unbutton your shirt'. So I opened my shirt revealing my curly silver hair. She said, 'That silver hair on your chest is proof
enough for me' and she processed my Social Security application.
When I got home, I excitedly told my wife about my experience at the Social Security office.
She said, 'You should have dropped your pants. You might have gotten disability, too.'
And then the fight started...
My wife and I are watching Who Wants To Be A Millionaire while we were in
bed. I turned to her and said, "Do you want to have sex?"
"No," she answered.
I then said, "Is that your final answer?"
She didn't even look at me this time, simply saying "Yes."
So I said, "Then I'd like to phone a friend."
And that's when the fight started....
Friday, March 20, 2009
AIG or pork?
According to Congress, Americans are very upset about the $165 million bonuses for AIG executives. But that is really not true. Senator Schumer from New York reminds us that we really don't care about the billions that the government spends on special projects, ie pork projects. So the news media must be totally wrong.
Monday, March 16, 2009
They earn HOW MUCH?!?!
Federal legislators are SO upset that employees of bailed-out companies are getting hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensation for work that apparently put these businesses in their current condition. All well and good. Salary tied to performance. I love it. But yet the president and Congress don't want executives of large corporations earning more than $500,000. Is that fair? These people make decisions that affect the careers and lives of thousands of employees and their families. Their decisions affect stock prices of investors.
Where is the outrage at people earning millions of dollars each year and add no value to the overall American economy? Below is a list of current major league baseball players and their income. Where is the outrage?? These people are earning money from average schmucks walking through the turnstiles. What is their skill? Hit, catch, and throw a baseball.
Average annual value of current highest-paid players in baseball:
Alex Rodriguez, $27,500,000 (2008-17)
CC Sabathia, $23,000,000 (2009-15)
Johan Santana, $22,916,667 (2008-13)
Manny Ramirez, $22,500,000 (2009-10)
Mark Teixeira, $22,500,000 (2009-16)
Miguel Cabrera, $19,037,500 (2008-15)
Derek Jeter, $18,900,000 (2001-10)
Carlos Zambrano, $18,300,000 (2008-12)
Andruw Jones, $18,100,000 (2008-09)
Ryan Howard, $18,000,000 (2009-11)
Torii Hunter, $18,000,000 (2008-12)
Ichiro Suzuki, $18,000,000 (2008-12)
Vernon Wells, $18,000,000 (2008-14)
Barry Zito, $18,000,000 (2007-13)
Jake Peavy, $17,333,333 (2010-12)
Carlos Beltran, $17,000,000 (2005-11)
Alfonso Soriano, $17,000,000 (2007-14)
Cot's Baseball Contracts
Esentially, I have no problem with people earning what the market will bear. I do have a problem with Congress beginnning to say who should make what they determine to be fair compensation. This really is a major shift toward socialism.
Where is the outrage at people earning millions of dollars each year and add no value to the overall American economy? Below is a list of current major league baseball players and their income. Where is the outrage?? These people are earning money from average schmucks walking through the turnstiles. What is their skill? Hit, catch, and throw a baseball.
Average annual value of current highest-paid players in baseball:
Alex Rodriguez, $27,500,000 (2008-17)
CC Sabathia, $23,000,000 (2009-15)
Johan Santana, $22,916,667 (2008-13)
Manny Ramirez, $22,500,000 (2009-10)
Mark Teixeira, $22,500,000 (2009-16)
Miguel Cabrera, $19,037,500 (2008-15)
Derek Jeter, $18,900,000 (2001-10)
Carlos Zambrano, $18,300,000 (2008-12)
Andruw Jones, $18,100,000 (2008-09)
Ryan Howard, $18,000,000 (2009-11)
Torii Hunter, $18,000,000 (2008-12)
Ichiro Suzuki, $18,000,000 (2008-12)
Vernon Wells, $18,000,000 (2008-14)
Barry Zito, $18,000,000 (2007-13)
Jake Peavy, $17,333,333 (2010-12)
Carlos Beltran, $17,000,000 (2005-11)
Alfonso Soriano, $17,000,000 (2007-14)
Cot's Baseball Contracts
Esentially, I have no problem with people earning what the market will bear. I do have a problem with Congress beginnning to say who should make what they determine to be fair compensation. This really is a major shift toward socialism.
Church leadership
I will be the first to admit that the evangelical church is not perfect. It contains members that imperfect, but as is said, forgiven. I am one of them. Fortunately, you will not find a perfect Christian anywhere. Again, thankfully, we have a Savior that is very forgiving.
Because there are no perfect church members, there are many mistakes made within the church. Even by the leaders. Since I know hardly anybody reads what I write here, let alone even care about my opinion, I figure it’s time to vent. Hopefully, it will be cathartic.
Several years ago I taught in adult Bible studies in church. I know that sometimes my presentation style was not the best. I occasionally attended local conferences to help me. When I started attending my current church I would fill in sometimes teaching when the regular teacher was away on business. I enjoyed that schedule. Otherwise, I would open the class with small discussion, prayer, etc. prior to the lesson. Well, one couple felt the class structure needed changed. I was out. A year later I was asked to lead a Wednesday class one week before the class was scheduled to begin. I was upset. No time to plan or prepare. I asked to meet with the elders about this situation. I was upset that I was unceremoniously removed from my little position previously in ABS. Now I was asked at the last minute to lead a class. I said that was poor planning. At that point I was told by one elder that he was in one of my classes and said I was a poor teacher. Another elder said that he had heard the same thing. Another elder called me selfish for not agreeing to lead the Wednesday class. If they felt I was less than capable to teach, then why hadn’t they told me previously, I asked. They had no answer. I said that if they felt there were issues to correct, I could accept instruction. They apologized for not doing that. I asked for follow-up. Maybe there would be many others willing to be instructed on how to teach an interesting class. More than a year later not a word from any of them about follow-up. I finally went back to them and said never mind, I’m tired of waiting. At this point, one asked if I would be willing to submit to them for restoration. All I could do was chuckle. I had done everything right. Yet they were trying to come off as the righteous ones.
All this brings me now to today. More than a year after that last meeting, I still harbor feelings of bitterness. I tried to be faithful to this church and they dumped me. A couple of weeks ago the sermon was from Ephesians chapter 5. Part of the sermon asked about personal growth. “You should be teachers, yet you still need to be taught the basics.” I was thinking about those (me) that wanted to teach but leadership wanted nothing to do with. I sit in classes where other individuals are less competent than me – I don’t deny their passion to be there – and have heard the pastor endorse them. Yes. I am bitter. And I don’t need anybody to tell me that that is wrong, I know. I just wish they would at least make an effort to qualify uniformly who will stand in class to teach. If their responsibility is to protect the flock, then they should. If someone is teaching correct theology and is putting the class to sleep, how effective are they? Who is responsible for correcting the situation?
One last thing. This is definitely not intended to give reason for any person to avoid church. Any believer needs to be in attendance. Regularly.
I had to vent.
Because there are no perfect church members, there are many mistakes made within the church. Even by the leaders. Since I know hardly anybody reads what I write here, let alone even care about my opinion, I figure it’s time to vent. Hopefully, it will be cathartic.
Several years ago I taught in adult Bible studies in church. I know that sometimes my presentation style was not the best. I occasionally attended local conferences to help me. When I started attending my current church I would fill in sometimes teaching when the regular teacher was away on business. I enjoyed that schedule. Otherwise, I would open the class with small discussion, prayer, etc. prior to the lesson. Well, one couple felt the class structure needed changed. I was out. A year later I was asked to lead a Wednesday class one week before the class was scheduled to begin. I was upset. No time to plan or prepare. I asked to meet with the elders about this situation. I was upset that I was unceremoniously removed from my little position previously in ABS. Now I was asked at the last minute to lead a class. I said that was poor planning. At that point I was told by one elder that he was in one of my classes and said I was a poor teacher. Another elder said that he had heard the same thing. Another elder called me selfish for not agreeing to lead the Wednesday class. If they felt I was less than capable to teach, then why hadn’t they told me previously, I asked. They had no answer. I said that if they felt there were issues to correct, I could accept instruction. They apologized for not doing that. I asked for follow-up. Maybe there would be many others willing to be instructed on how to teach an interesting class. More than a year later not a word from any of them about follow-up. I finally went back to them and said never mind, I’m tired of waiting. At this point, one asked if I would be willing to submit to them for restoration. All I could do was chuckle. I had done everything right. Yet they were trying to come off as the righteous ones.
All this brings me now to today. More than a year after that last meeting, I still harbor feelings of bitterness. I tried to be faithful to this church and they dumped me. A couple of weeks ago the sermon was from Ephesians chapter 5. Part of the sermon asked about personal growth. “You should be teachers, yet you still need to be taught the basics.” I was thinking about those (me) that wanted to teach but leadership wanted nothing to do with. I sit in classes where other individuals are less competent than me – I don’t deny their passion to be there – and have heard the pastor endorse them. Yes. I am bitter. And I don’t need anybody to tell me that that is wrong, I know. I just wish they would at least make an effort to qualify uniformly who will stand in class to teach. If their responsibility is to protect the flock, then they should. If someone is teaching correct theology and is putting the class to sleep, how effective are they? Who is responsible for correcting the situation?
One last thing. This is definitely not intended to give reason for any person to avoid church. Any believer needs to be in attendance. Regularly.
I had to vent.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Growing up I was enamored with the concept of space travel. I wasn't necessarily a science fiction junkie, but a follower of the US space program. As each Apollo flight was headed to the moon, I was watching it on TV, reading about it in the newspapers, listening on the radio. (I even have - still - an autographed photo of Richard Gordon from Apollo12). So my kids know now that my favorite movie is Apollo13. When there is anything on tv about those days of landing on the moon, I'm watching it.
Well, recently there was a program on tv called "For All Mankind." It was a compilation of videos from the spacecrafts taken by the astronauts themselves. The program was also narrated by the astronauts. One made an interesting comment and I want the scientists to answer for me.
"When the sunlight shines through the blackness of space it's black. But I was in sunlight and I was able to look at this blackness. What are you looking at? Call it the universe, but it's the infinity of space and time. I'm looking at something called space that had no end and at time that has no meaning." In other words, he was in total light and yet in total blackness at the same time. How can this be??
Well, recently there was a program on tv called "For All Mankind." It was a compilation of videos from the spacecrafts taken by the astronauts themselves. The program was also narrated by the astronauts. One made an interesting comment and I want the scientists to answer for me.
"When the sunlight shines through the blackness of space it's black. But I was in sunlight and I was able to look at this blackness. What are you looking at? Call it the universe, but it's the infinity of space and time. I'm looking at something called space that had no end and at time that has no meaning." In other words, he was in total light and yet in total blackness at the same time. How can this be??
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Teaching a man to be a man
Back to the discussion of manhood.
Some may take my discussions here as sexist. They are not intended to be. Historically the man/husband has been assumed to be responsible for the family. He provided the work to bring home the “bacon.” Sometimes that meant actually butcher the hog and bring home the bacon. He would sign the contracts to purchase the home, car, etc. Society today has changed the role to make equals of husband and wife. I don’t have a problem with that, but I do believe that somebody has to make the final decisions.
Unfortunately, a lot of what is wrong with the family today is the fault of the husband/father. While I don’t have statistical info to back up my claims, I think most people would agree with my assumptions. Most divorces are the result of the wandering eye of the man. Whether it is sexual or career or self-interest, men are more willing to pursue diversionary interests outside of the family.
To wit, the evangelical church has failed to address this issue. There is a class for every group. Infants, pre-schoolers, little kids, pre-teens, teens, college age, women’s groups. And the programs for these groups are intense. We have staff to address kid’s programs. Multiple women’s studies and get togethers. Where is the husband/father at? Maybe a seasonal sporting activity.
What men really need is to be taught how to be men. Too many men these days base their instruction on media representations. Television portrays men as idiots. Perhaps the model as described in the Bible. Actual mentoring. Small groups. One-on-one. A respect for older men that have been through it. Life-seasoned. But the church hardly does this. We wonder why Christian marriages are failing at the same rate as non-religious marriages. Lack of instruction. Lack of respect. Lack of determination to do the hard stuff. Look in your church library at books on how to be a man. The total will probably be less than the number on how to raise children. It will be less than women’s issues.
What are your thoughts?
Some may take my discussions here as sexist. They are not intended to be. Historically the man/husband has been assumed to be responsible for the family. He provided the work to bring home the “bacon.” Sometimes that meant actually butcher the hog and bring home the bacon. He would sign the contracts to purchase the home, car, etc. Society today has changed the role to make equals of husband and wife. I don’t have a problem with that, but I do believe that somebody has to make the final decisions.
Unfortunately, a lot of what is wrong with the family today is the fault of the husband/father. While I don’t have statistical info to back up my claims, I think most people would agree with my assumptions. Most divorces are the result of the wandering eye of the man. Whether it is sexual or career or self-interest, men are more willing to pursue diversionary interests outside of the family.
To wit, the evangelical church has failed to address this issue. There is a class for every group. Infants, pre-schoolers, little kids, pre-teens, teens, college age, women’s groups. And the programs for these groups are intense. We have staff to address kid’s programs. Multiple women’s studies and get togethers. Where is the husband/father at? Maybe a seasonal sporting activity.
What men really need is to be taught how to be men. Too many men these days base their instruction on media representations. Television portrays men as idiots. Perhaps the model as described in the Bible. Actual mentoring. Small groups. One-on-one. A respect for older men that have been through it. Life-seasoned. But the church hardly does this. We wonder why Christian marriages are failing at the same rate as non-religious marriages. Lack of instruction. Lack of respect. Lack of determination to do the hard stuff. Look in your church library at books on how to be a man. The total will probably be less than the number on how to raise children. It will be less than women’s issues.
What are your thoughts?
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